Sale of share held in the company Artcons Engineering Srl
Bankruptcy no 78 2018 of the Court of SpoletoSale pursuant to art 107 co 1 L F Participation held by the company FLUSSACQUA S R L IN LIQUIDATION in the company ARTCONS ENGINEERING S R L based in Foligno PG Via Antonio da Sangallo n 17 B tax code and VAT number 03112760545 Base auction price 10 000 00At the end of the auction the award cannot be definitive since as envisaged by the company by laws and in compliance with the code the Curator will notify the shareholders by registered letter with return receipt of the essential elements of the best offer received in order to allow the exercise of the right of first refusal Purchase offers can be submitted by certified email to asset om pec abilio com by 12 00 on 10 03 2025 It should be noted that the documentation sent as an attachment and contained within the certified email message must necessarily be signed with a digital signature On 11 03 2025 at 15 00 Abilio S p A will proceed with the opening of the PECsFor more information see Notice of sale Form A Expertise Visura