Transfer of 90 shareholding in Piandoro Costruzioni sas share capital
Preventive Composition No 9 2016Spoleto CourtSale pursuant to art 107 co 1 L F Dr Alessandra Restucci with office in Via Cerquiglia no 7 06049 SPOLETO PG Judicial Liquidator of Preventive Composition No 9 2016 of the Spoleto Court following approval by the Bodies of the ProcedurePUT FOR SALEthe following assets owned by the bankruptcy proceedings as described in the appraisal report attached to this notice AUCTION 8377 Lot no 1 90 participation quota in the share capital as limited partner of PIANDORO COSTRUZIONI SAS del Dr Stefano Falcinelli C with registered office in Via del Molino no 7 Monte Castello di Vibio PG Tax code and VAT no 01426190540 Auction starting price 1 000 00 Minimum raise 500 00To participate in the auction you must register on the website www industrialdiscount it by following the instructions indicated therein and also send your irrevocable purchase offer no later than 12 00 on 17 03 2025 via certified email to asset om pec abilio com Please note that the documentation sent as an attachment and contained in the certified email must necessarily be signed with a digital signature