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Universal Hydraulic Press Brake 100 Ton Double post Useful length Ml 4500 Fold 6 6 mm
Gigant Hydraulic Press Workbench 1200 X 700 Corsa 1000 Tot 100 Year 1984
2 Presse Lucas ask for confirmation that they are both to be sold from the list seems to be soFast molding
200 Ton Press Brand Gigant GN 479NOTES FOR COLLECTION maximum time for collection activities to take place from the agreed day 2 daysAuction carried out through an asynchronous sale procedure pursuant to art 25 D M 32 2015 The offer will be considered valid following the payment of the deposit From the How It Works section consult the Manuale d uso per la vendita asincrona ex art 25 D M 32 2015
Az pneumatic hydraulic pressWe inform you that the goods offered for sale are made up of non CE compliant goods in accordance with the provisions of the relevant community directives At the end of the auction the provisional successful bidder who has won one or more non CE compliant goods will be required to send no later than 48 hours after the end of the auction to the following address aftersales industrialdiscount com Consult the specific conditions of sale and collection AUCTION RESERVED FOR HOLDERS OF VAT NUMBERPROVISIONAL AWARDING