The apecar is a unique Italian symbol in the world. Three wheel vehicle, it is flexible and affordable. The used apecars that you find on Industrial Discount are a great investment if you need a mean of transportation but don't want to exceed your budget. Our used vehicles are even more cost-effective because they belong to bankruptcy procedures and company liquidations; this results in a price much lower than what can be obtained for the sale in the normal market. And there is more! Our online auction system is easy and innovative, as it allows you to bid directly from your PC, with no need to travel to reach the auction spot. In this way, you can buy an used apecar in just a few clicks, from the comfort of your home or office! Also, if you don't have too much time to dedicate to the auction, you can set up the Proxy Bid, our automatic raise system that raises your bids on your behalf, according to the maximum price you set. In addition to that, you'll be able to track the bidding activity on you favorite items and the time left until the end of an auction. You'll also be able to check with no time delay if you won an auction.
Don't wait any further! Buy your used apecars on Industrial Discount. Register for free and make your best offer now!
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