Laser Prima Industrie Platino and M A S Lambertoni gluing plotter
Private SaleSale of Gluing plotter M A S Lambertoni pressing mat Optical scanning system with fringe projection brand Zeiss mod Comet L3D 5M Saita Vacuum Evaporation System Model EV250 Prima Industrie Laser Platinum 1530 PL 9000 Victoria WIP2T Brushing Machine Goods are located in Mappano TO e Borgaro TO You can make an inspection by scheduling an appointment Write an email to the contact person of the auction We kindly invite the interested parties to register to the website and carefully read the sale and collection terms To attend the auction it is necessary to pay a deposit of 250 Euro In case of non participation or non purchase the deposit will be refund within 10 days after the end of the auction