Industrial Discount bankruptcy sales include a large selection of judicial auctions of rotomoulding machinery, which will allow you to get the most suitable industrial machinery for your business. Our inventory offers great savings opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses, but also for large multinationals, responding to the need to renew or create a machining equipment without exceeding the budget; the prices of the items are much lower than their market value, thus assuring excellent value for money, also because the machinery is often new or used very little. Our portal provides all the relevant information, such as full descriptions and technical specifications, along with the sale documents that you can download and review at any time; all this to provide you with the greatest safety and transparency. To track the auctions in real time, just go to the Watchlist feature in your account. To make your bid, click on the lot you like and enter the bid manually. Alternatively, you can also choose to use the Proxy Bid, our automatic bidding system which will raise your bids on your behalf, according to the maximum price you set. Don't wait any further: if you want to make a good investment, attend our judicial auctions of used rotomoulding machinery!
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