BPR electric calender
Electric calender brand BPR mod CP 30 year 1996 id 54 NOTES FOR COLLECTION maximum time for collection activities to take place from the agreed day half day
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Electric calender brand BPR mod CP 30 year 1996 id 54 NOTES FOR COLLECTION maximum time for collection activities to take place from the agreed day half day
Three roller Faccin calender model 4HELSALES NOTES The lot is located in Torricella TA NOTES FOR COLLECTION maximum time for collection activities to take place from the agreed day 1 dayAuction carried out through an asynchronous sale procedure pursuant to art 25 D M 32 2015 The offer will be considered valid following the payment of the deposit From the How It Works section consult the Manuale d uso per la vendita asincrona ex art 25 D M 32 2015
Lot consisting of three roller calender Faccin brand model HAV3138 serial number 40126352529 year 2004 NOTES FOR COLLECTION maximum time for collection activities to take place from the agreed day 1 day Auction carried out through an asynchronous sale procedure pursuant to art 25 D M 32 2015 The offer will be considered valid following the payment of the deposit From the How It Works section consult the Manuale d uso per la vendita asincrona ex art 25 D M 32 2015
Lot consisting of three roller calender Adria Machine brand model Akyapak 140 20 4 0 serial number ASM 140 242 year 2019 NOTES FOR COLLECTION maximum time for collection activities to take place from the agreed day 1 day Auction carried out through an asynchronous sale procedure pursuant to art 25 D M 32 2015 The offer will be considered valid following the payment of the deposit From the How It Works section consult the Manuale d uso per la vendita asincrona ex art 25 D M 32 2015