Lot 1

Transfer of business units Altea Security srl and Altea Italia srl

prev lot 1 out of 1 lots next lot
  • Bid placing deadline: 27/03/2025
  • Auction opens: 28/03/2025
  • Closing date: reopening
  • Experiment n°1

Lot Description

Court of Milan
Judicial Liquidation Procedures No. 396/2024 and No. 349/2024

Single lot auction 8896: Transfer of business units of the companies Altea Security s.r.l. and Altea Italia s.r.l. individually constituted as follows:

Business unit pertaining to the company ALTEA SECURITY S.r.l.
• Contracts with active customers: as listed in Annex “G” to the business unit rental agreement, and updated to 24.1.2025 as resulting from Annex “A” to this notice;
- Capital goods: as listed in Annex “H” to the rental agreement and, in particular:
? No. 6 DELL brand monitors
? No. 4 APC brand UPS
? No. 4 PCs DELL brand
? No. 3 keyboards with mouse
? No. 3 Alcatel touch phones
? No. 1 HP brand network switch
? No. 1 Alcatel brand phone
? No. 1 DELL brand PC
? No. 2 DELL brand monitors
? No. 1 APC brand UPS
? No. 1 keyboard with mouse
? No. 1 generator control unit
? No. 1 rack composed of no. 6 rack servers and network switches
? No. 1 rack composed of no. 2 switchboards (one faulty) and related network switches, no. 1 fiber terminal, monitor with keyboard, a Samsung cell phone, no. 2 UPS continuity groups, no. 3 rack servers, three VPN devices, no. 2 GSM Boxes, no. 2 telephone line concentrators
? No. 1 assembled diesel generator set

o Trademark: “Altea Security” and any other distinctive sign, even if not registered, directly or indirectly connected to the branch of the company that is the subject of the aforementioned rental agreement.
o Website:
o Employment relationships: no. 1 worker as per Annex B to this notice

Branch of the company pertaining to ALTEA ITALIA S.r.l. composed as follows:
o Software: EVOLUTION.
• Contracts with active customers: as listed in Annex “E” to the rental agreement of the branches of the company, and updated to 24.1.2025 as resulting from Annex “C “ to this notice;
o Trademark: “Altea Italia” and any other distinctive sign, even if not registered, directly or
indirectly connected to the branch of the company that is the subject of the aforementioned rental agreement.
o Employment relationships: no. 3 workers as per Annex B to this notice

The purchase of the complex as a whole will entail the takeover of the contracts in place with the suppliers deemed strategic as per Annex D.
It should be noted that the business unit of Altea Security S.r.l., together with the business unit of the parent company Altea Italia S.r.l., as indicated above have been granted on a temporary lease (so-called bridging lease) pursuant to art. 212 CCII with a deed stipulated on 07/19/2024 and expiring on 03/23/2025. The lessee Company is not recognized the right of pre-emption for the purchase of the aforementioned Company

Starting auction price: Euro 100,000.00
Minimum bid: Euro 75,000.00
Minimum raise: Euro 2,000.00

(possibility of receiving offers with both electronic and analogue methods, pursuant to art. 22 Ministerial Decree 32/2015)
on the portal

Subjects who, alternatively, have submitted their offer using the methods referred to in point A (telematic offer) or point B (analogue offer) will be able to participate in the tender.

The electronic purchase offers must be received by the presenters of the offer no later than 1.00 pm on 27/03/2025 by sending them to the PEC address of the Ministry,, using exclusively the form pre-compiled form available on the ministerial portal The electronic offer is considered deposited when the complete delivery receipt is generated by the certified email manager of the Ministry of Justice.

The auction takes place on the website  on 28/03/2025 from 10:00 am onwards and lasts 5 minutes seconds unless further offers are submitted. Below is the link to the auction page:

The deadline for submitting bids "in a sealed envelope" is set for 27/03/2025 no later than 1.00 pm, to be delivered in a sealed envelope (and without any sign of recognition) by hand to the studio of the Notary Dr. Dario Restuccia located in Milan (MI), via Ulrico Hoepli n.7.

The bidder who has deposited the offer in a sealed envelope, on the day set for the sale, is required to present himself at the office of the Notary Dr. Dario Restuccia in Milan (MI), Via Ulrico Hoepli n. 7, on 28/03/2025 at 10:00.

The Procedure will prepare and manage a Virtual Data Room for the purpose of uploading confidential documents relating to the goods for sale. The Data Room allows access to additional documentation in addition to that uploaded to the portal to those interested in purchasing. This access will be permitted exclusively upon signing a non-disclosure agreement, to be sent signed and accompanied by the requested documents to the certified email address of Abilio S.p.a. For this purpose, interested parties must send a request via PEC communication to the address

For further information regarding the object of sale and how to submit offers, please download:
- Notice of sale
- Module A
- Autorizzazione VDR

Sale documentation

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Lot Details

  • Closing date:28-03-2025 10:00:00
  • VAT:Details in sales notice
  • Buyers Premium: 3% BP
  • Payment: Read the sales notice
  • Inspection date: Upon appointment
  • Payment method: Bank Transfer
  • Collection:Read the sales notice


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