Sale of a commercial business located in the nicipality of Rimini (RN) Via Michele Rosa n. 41, having as its object the retail trade of food products.
the retail sale of fresh or frozen meat and food in general; the retail trade of both fresh and preserved food and food products and of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages; the production, marketing and distribution of cooked foods, typical products, as well as the management of outlets selling said foods; etc..
It is specified that the company is currently leased under a certified private agreement signed on 06.03.2024. The aforementioned contract provides for a lease term of 3 (three) years, starting from 06.03.2024 and ending on 05.03.2027 and will be automatically renewed for a further 3 (three) years, unless notice of termination has been given.
Starting auction price: € 62,400.00
(possibility of receiving electronic offers, pursuant to art. 24 Ministerial Decree 32/2015)
on the portal
The electronic purchase offers must be received by the offer presenters no later than
11:00 on 17/04/2025 by sending them to the PEC address of the Ministry, using only the pre-filled form available on the ministerial portal
On 18 APRIL 2025 at 11:00 the asynchronous electronic sale will be held on the portal
Below is the link to the auction page: