Dr. Mattia Di Paolo, with office in L'Aquila, in via San Francesco di Paola n. 12/A, as Professional in charge of the procedure indicated in the epigraph, following approval by the bodies of the Procedure,
that on April 14, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. the synchronous telematic sale will be held on the portal, under the conditions described below, of the following asset:
AUCTION 8941: Transfer of business Gran Carni S.r.l. consisting of:
- Equipment and goods in bulk for meat processing located in Loc. Monticchio, L’Aquila (AQ), consisting of: n. 3 cold rooms, loading platform for arm management and processing with steel mesh platform, pulleys, hinged loading and unloading arm, electric hoist, refrigeration plant and n. 2 isothermal vans;
- Subrogation of the following pending legal relationships:
- Commercial lease agreement with the company Iovenitti Ernesto 6 Figli S.r.l. whose current contractual conditions provide for a monthly rental fee of Euro 2,000 plus 22% VAT;
- Contracts with retention of title signed with 1) Nuova Innocenti & Cipollini S.r.l. for the supply with a retention of title agreement of half-carcasses, guideways, etc. (goods better identified in the contract attached to this notice), whose residual debt currently amounts to Euro 28,323.72 and 2) Project S.r.l. for the supply with a retention of title agreement of cold storage units (goods better identified in the contract attached to this notice), whose residual debt currently amounts to Euro 52,810.50.
Auction starting price: € 67,500.00
Minimum accepted bid: € 50,625.00
(possibility of receiving bids exclusively electronically, pursuant to art. 24 D.M. 32/2015)
on the portal
The telematic offers must be received by the presenters of the offer no later than 12:00 on 11/04/2025 by sending them to the PEC address of the Ministry, using exclusively the pre-filled form available on the ministerial portal The electronic offer is considered deposited when the complete receipt of delivery is generated by the certified email manager of the Ministry of Justice.
The asynchronous auction will take place on the website on 04/14/2025 from 11:00 and following and will last two hours unless further bids are submitted.
The link to the auction page is below:
From the documentation section, consult:
- Disciplinary and notice of sale
- Encl. B - Supply with retention of title
- Encl. C - Supply with retention of title
- Rental agreement
- Residual debt declarations