Lot 2

Transfer of a business dedicated to the installation and maintenance of water purification systems

prev lot 2 out of 4 lots next lot

Lot Description

Judicial Liquidation of Group No. 95/2024 R.G., No. 96/2024 R.G., No. 97/2024 R.G.


that on 04/09/2025 at 11:30 am, the following are put up for sale, pursuant to articles 213, 214 and 216 of the Corporate Crisis and Insolvency Code (Legislative Decree 12.1.2019 n.14, hereinafter, for brevity, “CCII”), the companies owned by the companies subject to the registered Judicial Liquidation of the group, as described in the appraisals published in the specific virtual data room referred to below (hereinafter, for brevity, “VDR”)

Lot 2 AUCTION 8986.2 – company owned by the company in L.G. n. 97/2024: price €68,000 plus taxes and all tender and transfer costs (the “Base Price”), with effect pursuant to art. 216 co. 7 CCII, and without prejudice to the provisions of art. 217 co. 1 CCII, of offers even if lower by no more than a quarter compared to the price established in the aforementioned ordinance and, therefore, equal to at least € 51,000 plus taxes and all tender and transfer costs (the “Minimum Offer”), with the methods and under the conditions set out in the following Regulation;

Activity carried out: installation and maintenance of water purification systems for domestic use, hydraulic systems (boilers, air conditioning, heat pumps) and electrical systems (photovoltaic).

Management of the company: The company is being run on a lease basis, without interruption, starting from 1 February 2024, based on two contracts signed prior to the judicial liquidation (first contract of 26.1.2024, deeded by notary Guido Cirilli in Brescia, Rep. no. 41835, coll. no. 20808, consensually terminated within the subsequent contract, deeded by notary Valentina
Papof of 28 March 2024, Rep. no. 8645, coll. no. 6411, published in the VDR). The duration is expected to be three years, automatically and tacitly extendable for the same period, unless terminated with notice of at least six months before the expiry date; the withdrawal can be exercised exclusively by the lessee. The contractually agreed rent is €10,000.00 (ten thousand) per year plus VAT, with payment of the first year in advance in an annual installment and for subsequent years in monthly installments in arrears. The lessee is expected to settle all obligations arising from the contracts stipulated for the operation of the branch of the business for which the rental contract provides for the takeover (rental, use, agency and similar contracts, lease contracts and employment contracts). It is noted that the business is still managed by the lessee as the conditions for the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Procedure pursuant to art. 184 CCII have not been identified.

Registered office and operating headquarters: Villafranca di Verona (VR), Via Alessandro Volta, 31, pursuant to a sub-lease agreement for a portion of the property (1 room for a total of 36 m2) located in Villafranca di Verona, Via Alessandro Volta, 31, stipulated with the parent company on 1.1.2021, effective from 1.1.2021 and first expiry on 31.10.2026, registered with the Revenue Agency - Verona Office 1, on 16.01.2021 at no. 000513-serie 3T.

(possibility of receiving offers with both telematic and analog methods, pursuant to art. 22 Ministerial Decree 32/2015)
on the portal www.venditegiudiziarieitalia.

The tender may be attended by those who, alternatively, have submitted their offer with the methods set out in point A (offer with telematic methods) or point B (offer with analog methods).

Electronic purchase offers must be received by the presenters of the offer no later than 12:00 on 08/04/2025 by sending to the PEC address of the Ministry, using exclusively the pre-filled form available on the ministerial portal The electronic offer is considered deposited when the complete receipt of delivery is generated by the certified email manager of the Ministry of Justice.

The auction takes place on the website on 09/04/2025 from 11:30 and following and lasts 5 minutes unless further offers are submitted. Here is the link to the auction page:

The deadline for submitting offers "in a sealed envelope" is set for 08/04/2025 no later than 12:00 at the office of the Curator Avv. Bruno Piazzola, located in Verona via Scalzi n. 20 - 37122.

The bidder who has deposited the offer in a sealed envelope, on the day set for the sale, is required to appear in Verona via Scalzi n. 20 37122, on 09/04/2025 at 11:30.

Abilio S.p.a will prepare and manage a Virtual Data Room for the purpose of uploading confidential documents relating to companies for sale. The Data Room allows access to additional documentation in addition to that uploaded on the portal to those interested in purchasing the compendium.

For further information regarding the object of sale and the methods of submitting offers, please download:
- Notice of sale
- Form A

Lot Details

  • Closing date:09-04-2025 11:30:00
  • VAT:Details in sales notice
  • Buyers Premium: 3% BP
  • Payment: Read the sales notice
  • Inspection date: Upon appointment
  • Payment method: Bank Transfer
  • Collection:Read the sales notice


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