Lot 2

Three hydrogen buses Van Hool

prev lot 1 out of 1 lots next lot
  • Minimum raise: 1000 €
  • Closing date: 30/05/2025
  • Current lot price: Updating price... € 399.360
    + 8% BP + € 900 CG VAT 22 %
  • Experiment n°1
  • Lisa Marangoni
    Lisa Marangoni Referente commerciale Call
    Mon-Fri: 9-13 / 14-18

Lot Description




The undersigned Dr. Marina Bonvini, with office in Sanremo, Mombello no. 60/2, as Liquidator of the Procedure indicated in the epigraph


of the sale of the following assets:

Lot 2 – Auction no. 8921:

Three hydrogen buses; the goods are located in Sanremo (IM) and can be inspected by appointment.

- 1 hydrogen-electric Van Hool bus mod. 3XXFL 32003F, year 2013, registered ES904PL, Siemens AG 1PV5138 4WS24 electric motors, total seats 108: 39 seated, 1 wheelchair, 67 standing, 1 driver,
- 1 hydrogen-electric bus Van Hool mod. 3XXFL 32003F, year 2014, registered ET952NA, Siemens AG 1PV5138 4WS24 electric motors, total seats 108: 39 seated, 1 wheelchair, 67 standing, 1 driver,
- 1 Van Hool hydrogen-electric bus mod. 3XXFL 32003F, year 2013, registered ES926PL, Siemens AG 1PV5138 4WS24 electric motors, total seats 108: 39 seated, 1 wheelchair, 67 standing, 1 driver,

Please note that the successful tenderer will be responsible for the cost of the inspection, equal to €15 plus VAT per license plate.

Appraisal value €780,000.00

Minimum bid €399,360.00.

Value of bids: it will also be possible to submit bids of an amount lower than that indicated above; in any case, the Procedure reserves the right to examine the offer, evaluate its appropriateness and the opportunity to proceed with the competitive sale.

Interested parties must first register on the website by following the instructions indicated therein.

Interested parties in submitting offers, after having validly registered on the website, must submit an irrevocable purchase offer by 12:00 on 30 May 2025, using one of the following alternative methods:

in a sealed envelope, by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt or by hand to be delivered without fail to the headquarters of abilio S.p.a. in via G. Galilei n. 6, 48018 Faenza (RA)
via certified email to Please note that, in the event of sending the offer via certified email, the documentation sent as an attachment and contained within the certified email must necessarily be signed with a digital signature.
It should also be noted that the deposit can only be paid via bank transfer.

Interested parties are invited to view the available documentation:
- Invitation to bid,
- Form A)
- Appraisal

Lot documentation

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Sale documentation

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Lot Details

  • Closing date:30-05-2025 12:00:00
  • VAT:22%
  • Buyers Premium: 8% BP
  • Payment: Read the invitation to offer
  • Inspection date: Upon appointment
  • Payment method: Bank Transfer
  • Collection:Read the invitation to offer


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