Creeditor Agreemen n. 4/2020 of the Court of Ancona
The Court of Ancona has ordered the opening of a competitive procedure, following an offer received, aimed at the presentation by third parties of irrevocable offers for improvement for the purchase of the "Soc. Decoral" painting line, no longer used in the process production, owned by the company Ragaini Radiatori Spa.
The hearing for the examination and resolution on the offer and / or for the tender between multiple bidders is scheduled for 29.10.2020 at 12:00 at the Palazzo di Giustizia - Court of Ancona.
The offers must be submitted in a sealed envelope at the office of the Judicial Commissioner Avv. Anna Marta Balestra located in Ancona in Via Matteotti n. 99 by 18:00 on the day before the date set for the hearing.
The offer cannot be less than € 71,000.00
The assets are located in Loreto (AN)
From the documentation section download:
- Avviso di procedura competitiva
- Stralcio perizia
- Proposta irrevocabile di acquisto pervenuta
- Decreto Tribunale Ancona ex art. 163 bis