Sale of full ownership of the shareholding of INPES Prefabbricati Spa in the company Sil Srl equal to 90.15% of the share capital.
The company Sil Srl has as its object the real estate activity consisting in the purchase, sale, exchange of building areas, land, including agricultural land, buildings, civil and industrial buildings and real estate in general; the construction, restoration and restructuring of civil, industrial and commercial buildings.
Starting price: € 146,465.19
Download from the documentation section:
Notice of sale
Parere C.G.
Relazione L-G
At the end of the auction, the award cannot be final since the exercise of the right of pre-emption is envisaged. Therefore, the award of the tender will be on a provisional basis until the expiration of the term granted to the shareholder and will become definitive after that term has elapsed without the company making use of this option.