Lot consisting of furniture and shop equipment such as exhibitors, cash register, PC, wooden and plastic furniture and much more.
Goods sold by body and not to measure. Some quantities may not match. An inspection is recommended on site.
From the documentation section download the Pdf Lotto n. 2 to view the complete list of goods included in this lot.
The subject who at the end of the competition will be awarded one or more goods, will be required to send, no later than 48 hours from the close of the auction, to the email address vp@industrialdiscount.com:
- the substitutive declaration of certification pursuant to Presidential Decree 445/2000 of non-existence of the conditions set forth in art. 10 L. 575/65, cd. self-certification of the anti-mafia declaration, whose similar form is available on the web page for the participation to the AUCTION 2757;
- valid identity document, if a natural person, or Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce adjourned within the three months preceding the date of sending, if legal person, in order to promptly and preliminarily verify the requirements of the aspiring bidder, in his exclusive interest, for the licensing procedure.
In case of failure to send the aforementioned documentation within the indicated deadlines, the bidder will automatically be considered lapsed and the procedure will be entitled to forfeit the deposit paid for the purposes of participation as a penalty. The defaulting winner will also be deleted from the portal, with the impossibility of participating in new auctions.