(possibility of receiving offers exclusively electronically, pursuant to art. 21 D.M. 32/2015)
Bankruptcy n. 475/2019 of the Court of Milano
Stake of 51.1% of the share capital with voting rights equal to 37.5 of the share capital of the company "PARTECIPAZIONE NELLA SOCIETA' SMART GORLA SERVICES S.A. the shareholding object of this expert report is made up of no. 93 bearer shares (in particular represented by the share certificate of no. 90 shares and shares no. 239, 240 and 241) with a unit value of CHF 1,000.00 each, in the aforementioned company, Smart Gorla Services S.A.
The electronic purchase offers must be received by the offer presenters no later than 1.00 pm on 29/04/2021 by sending them to the PEC address of the Ministry, using only the form pre-compiled available on the ministerial portal
Base price: € 454.268,00
Click on the following link to submit an offer on VGI:
Vendite Giudiziarie Italia
From the documentation section download:
- Relazione di stima Smart Gorla Services S.A
- Disciplinare di gara avviso di vendita
The synchronous auction takes place on the website on 30/04/2021 from 10:00 and following and lasts for sixty seconds, except for the presentation of further bids
This Procedure is not registered in the VIES system. The European winners will be required to pay VAT.