Shareholding of 35% of the share capital of the company ORIZZONTI SRL with registered office in ANDRIA (BT), Strada Prov.130 Andria-Trani Km. 2.800, Cod Fisc / VAT number 05553160721;
The corporate purpose is to produce and trade both wholesale and retail underwear for men, women and children; the production, trade and processing for the finishing, embellishment and ornamentation of any article of clothing for men, women and children and related accessories, as well as the production and wholesale and retail trade of fabrics, yarns , footwear and anything else falling within the product sectors of textiles, clothing, footwear and household items.
The Orizzonti company is the owner of the industrial warehouse with a surface area of approx. 4000, located in Andria on the provincial road Andria-Trani at km 2.800, the registered office of the company, where the activity is carried out.
The factory built on three surfaces was purchased on 16/3/2004 at the price of € 1,549,370.70 plus VAT.
From the documentation section download:
- Disciplinare di gara e avviso di vendita
- Modulo A) Partecipazioni societarie
- Relazione CTU
- Lotto 1 Visura camerale Orizzonti S.r.l.