Radial drill SASS TRP 3500;
Identification data
Serial number 116, SASS manufacturer, model TRP-3500, year of construction 1964 and total weight 22950 kg.
Main races
Vertical stroke of the axis Axis W 1430, head stroke on the Axis X 3055, vertical stroke of the spindle Axis Z 640 and table size 1925x1580.
Operational characteristics
Dist. Min extr. flat spindle A 550 and dist. max flat spindle B 2620.
Minimum distance between column and manual axis B 445 and maximum filocolumn distance axis man B 3500.
Tool holder spindle diameter n. 135
Spindle taper portaut. (vises) 6
Maximum pitting diameter (steel) 120, maximum drilling diameter (cast iron) 150
Maximum boring diameter (steel) 180, maximum boring diameter (cast iron) 210
Maximum tapping diameter (acc.) 125, maximum tapping diameter (cast iron) 150.
Spindle speed 13-1040 rpm
Automatic feed 0.06 / 3.00 mm / g
Power of the morote 25 CV