Finisher brand Sant'Andrea, model SSR2, serial number not detectable at n.12 heads
Lot sold as is. Some quantities could not correspond. We suggest an inspection on site.
- maximum time for collection activities to take place from the agreed day: 2 days
-It is specified that the good is sold not to be used, but for the sole exclusive purpose of being repaired. It is further specified that the buyer must undertake to repair the good within 60 days of the sale and to send a specific certification to the Professional. Consult the specific conditions of sale and collection.
Auction carried out through an asynchronous sale procedure pursuant to art. 25 D.M. 32/2015.
The offer will be considered valid following the payment of the deposit.
From the "How It Works" section, consult the "Manuale d'uso per la vendita asincrona ex art. 25 D.M. 32/2015".