Bankruptcy no. 31/2021 Court of Rimini.
Sale in compliance with art 107 co.1 L.F.
Sale of EDH company with corporate purpose the exercise of wholesale and retail trade activities, to be carried out through import export, the hiring of representatives, of national and foreign companies, of the following products: clothing items for men, women and child, biancheria intimate, sporting articles and for the free time, gaggettistica, confecciones, maglieria, camiceria, textile products both confezionati and grezzi.
The company located in via Coriano n. 58 block 78 in Rimini, consisting of the complex of tangible and intangible assets: generic plants, machinery, furniture, electronic office machines, n. 1 truck and n. 1 car, 3 brands My T-Shirt Life is a Circus, Fear of Good and Good Things and commercial network - n. 3 shops in Riccione, Cattolica and Milano Marittima.
The business complex is the subject of a business branch rental contract stipulated between Edh Srl in liquidation and a third company subject to the authorization of the Rimini GIP of 08/28/2020 and expiring on 09/30/2022; linked to the business branch lease there is an estimation contract for the goods warehouse dated 09/10/2020.
It should be noted that the company complex will be transferred together with all the employment contracts existing at the time of the alienation measure, unless otherwise agreed between the employees and / or their representatives of the trade unions and the successful bidder after the sale.
Auction base price: Euro 279,000.00
(possibility of receiving telematic offers, ex article 21 D.M. 32/2015)
on the website www.vendite
The electronic purchase offers must be received by the presenters of the offer within and no later than 12:00 P.M. on 28th November 2022 by sending it to the PEC address of the Ministry, using only the pre-filled module available within the ministerial portal
The synchronous auction takes place on the website on 29th November 2022 from 3 P.M. and following and has a duration of sixty seconds, unless the presentation of further raises.
Here the link to the auction page:
We report the sale of the clothing warehouse of the procedure at the following link: Auction 6986
It should be noted that today's auction has been suspended the previous sale of the goods in the auction in question set for 29/11/2022 and can be found at the following Link. Please refer only to the new notice published with the auction set for 7/12/2022.
For more information download:
- Notice of sale
- Expertise
- Rental of company branches and lease agreements
- Appraisal contract
- Attachments
Additional documentation is available within the lot