The Legal Receiver of the Bankruptcy sales the following assets that are part of the company compendium of the aforementioned Bankruptcy:
- Movable assets used to carry out the activity
- Vehicles
- License
- Goodwill
of a bankrupt company whose corporate purpose is the national and international transport of goods by road to third parties.
The Bankruptct received on 04/06/2021 an irrevocable offer to purchase the entire company at the price of € 150,000 plus charges; it should be noted that the bidder has accepted the assumption of the severance indemnity debt relating to the company's employees which currently amounts to € 107.258,52 in addition to the amount of C 2.830,87 relating to an employee's pension fund.
It should be noted that a company lease contract is in place, with annual renewal unless canceled, which determines in favor of the tenant the right of first refusal in the event of company transfer.