Bankruptcy no. 475/2019 Court of Milano
Sale in compliance with art 107 co.1 L.F.
- the Procedure received an irrevocable offer to purchase the shareholdings held by the Bankrupt in Tecnologie Industriali e Ambientali S.p.a. and Matisse srl at the price of € 1,200,000.00 plus charges;
- the Procedure intends to launch a sales experiment, placing the irrevocable purchase offer received as the basic auction price, the procedures for which are governed by this Notice of sale;
- In the event that no offer is received within the deadline indicated in the notice of sale, the offer referred to above will be accepted for the amount of EUR 1,200,000.00 equal to the basic auction price.
All of the above given the Procedure
- Participation fee of n. 660,000 shares with a nominal value of € 1.00 portal with share certificate number 13, representing 30% of the share capital of € 2,200,000.00 of the company Tecnologie Industriali e Ambientali S.p.A.
- Participation fee with a nominal value of € 15,000.00 representing 30% of the share capital of € 50,000.00 of the company Matisse Srl.
The basic purchase price cannot be less than € 1,200,000.00
The final award will be subject to the pre-emption and approval rights provided for by the Company Bylaws.
TELEMATIC SYNCHRONOUS SALE PROCEDURE (possibility of receiving electronic offers, pursuant to Article 21 of Ministerial Decree 32/2015)
on the portal
The telematic purchase offers must be received from the presenters of the offer within and no later than 1.00 pm on 27th Jenuary 2022 by sending the PEC to the Ministry
The synchronous auction takes place on the website on 28th Jenuary 2022 from 12:30 am and following and has a duration of sixty seconds, except for the presentation of further bids.
Here the link to the auction page:
For more information download:
- Notice of sale
- Appraisal of the investment held in Tecnologie Industriali & Ambientali Spa
- Appraisal of the investment held in Matisse Srl
This Procedure is not registered in the VIES system. The European winners will be required to pay VAT.