Judicial Liquidation n. 7/2023 Pisa Court
Sale of the business complex of a company operating in the field of catering and supply of food and drinks to the public consisting of:
- Movable assets instrumental to the exercise of the activity
- Goodwill
- Administrative authorization and license
- Use of the Name and insignia
Base auction price: Euro 7,000.00
Minimum offer accepted: Euro 7,000.00
It should be noted that the company and the related movable assets that compose it are located within a property that is not the subject of sale and is owned by a third party unrelated to the Liquidation. The relevant rental contract has been terminated and therefore the occupation is currently without title.
(possibility of receiving offers with both electronic and analogue methods, pursuant to art. 22 Ministerial Decree 32/2015)
on the portal www.venditegiudiziarieitalia.it
The auction takes place on the website www.venditegiudiziarieitalia.it on 29/02/2024 from 10:00 am onwards and lasts 5 minutes, subject to the presentation of further bids
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF OFFERS: no later than 12:00 on 28/02/2024 according to one of the following methods:
- ANALOGUE METHOD: The offers must be delivered by hand to the office of Dr. Daniela Orlandini in Ponsacco (PI), via Prov.le di Gello n. 108/C
The bidder who made the offer analogically, on the day set for the sale, is required to present himself at the office of Dr. Daniela Orlandini in Ponsacco (PI), via Prov.le di Gello n. 108/C.
- ELECTRONIC METHOD: The electronic purchase offers must be received by the presenters of the offer no later than the date and time indicated in the "AUCTION DETAILS" section of this document by sending it to the PEC address of the Ministry amministrazionepvp.dgsia@giustiziacert .it, using exclusively the pre-compiled form available on the ministerial portal http://venditepubbliche.giustizia.it.
For further information regarding the object of sale and how to submit offers, please download:
- Notice of sale
- Appraisal report
- Estimate of movable assets Liq.giud.7-2023
- Irrevocable purchase offer
Below is the link to the auction page: