Lot 1
Sale of company dedicated to production of wooden windows and doors
Photo gallery
Minimum raise: 5000 €
Bid placing deadline: 22/05/202512:00CET
Auction opens: 23/05/202515:00CET
Closing date: 23/05/202517:00CET
Current lot price: Updating price... € 327.073+ 4% BP + € 1.500 CG
- Experiment n°4 -27%
- Bids: 0
Industrial Properties - No. of visits: 4839

Lot Description
On 22 May 2025 at 3.00 pm the asynchronous telematic sale will be held on the portal www.venditegiudiziarieitalia.it of the following property:
LOT 1 – AUCTION N. 8123: Business Complex located in Cicognolo (CR), Via Oglio n. 4 consisting of:
a) office furnitureb) office machinery/equipment;c) machines and equipment;d) machinery and production plants;e) vehicles;f) lifting and working means;g) timber warehouse;h) semi-finished warehouse;i) finished products warehouse;j) hardware warehouse;k) consumables warehouse (paints).
Starting auction price: € 327,0735.00
Minimum raises: € 5,000.00
(possibility of receiving electronic offers, pursuant to art. 24 Ministerial Decree 32/2015)
on the portal www.venditegiudiziarieitalia.it
The electronic purchase offers must be received by the presenters of the offer no later than 12:00 on 22/05/2025 by sending them to the PEC address of the Ministry amministrazionepvp.dgsia@giustiziacert.it, using exclusively the pre-compiled form available on the ministerial portal http://venditepubbliche.giustizia.it.
Here the link to the auction page:
For further information, consult the available documentation
Sale documentation
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Lot Details
- Closing date:23-05-2025 17:00:00
- VAT:Read the notice of sale
- Buyers Premium: 4% BP
- Payment: Read the sales notice
- Inspection date: Upon appointment
- Payment method: Bank Transfer
- Collection:Read the sales notice
- Country:IT
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