Bankruptcy n. 47/2019 of the Court of Forlì
The bankruptcy puts up for sale the following assets that are part of the business complex of the aforementioned Bankruptcy:
- Movable assets instrumental to the exercise of the business
- goodwill
of a bankrupt company whose corporate purpose is the construction and thermomechanical application as well as the execution of iron works and the manufacture of machine tools in general.
- It should be noted that the Company compendium is granted in fair use of the company lease with effect from 01/04/2019 and expiration 31/03/2023 which may be extended unless terminated at least 6 months before the expiry.
From the documentation section download the documents:
- Perizia valutazione azienda
- Contratto di affitto d'azienda
- Avviso di vendita
- Modulo A)