Bankruptcy no. 22/2021 Court of Rimini
Sale in compliance with art 107 co.1 L.F.
Sale of a company intended to operate in the municipality of Rimini (RN) of the wholesale trade of dairy products, cured meats, condiments, fruit juices, canned meats, food in general, fishing products, preserved, dried and preserves consisting of:
- machinery, equipment and furnishings for food processing and storage, refrigerated cells, furniture and furnishings for office use, electronic machines for office use and service assets to the real estate unit where the activity is carried out, all as better described and valued in the appraisal of estimate referred to in Annex 1;
- n. 6 registered movable assets, all as better described and valued in the appraisal referred to in attachment 2;
- authorization issued by the Local Health Authority referring to the premises in which the activity is carried out;
- the "Paolini & Tamburini" sign and other distinctive signs of the company;
- commercial goodwill, as better described and valued in the appraisal referred to in attachment 3.
Inventories are not included in the company.
The company currently has n. 2 employees, employed by the former tenant, whose employment relationships, given the agreements reached with the same (attachment 4), will be interrupted by the Curatela on the eve of the signing of the deed of sale of the company and that the contractor must unquestionably summarize by the stipulation date with indefinite contact.
19/05/2022: For the purposes of safeguarding goodwill, it should be noted that several agency contractual relationships, which arose prior to the declaration of bankruptcy, are currently valid, which with the sale of the business complex will be automatically transferred to the successful bidder of the procedure competitive
Base auction price: with the possibility of submitting bids of any amount.
Please note the sale of the property on the portal at the following link: Auction 18462
(possibility of receiving offers with both telematic and analogue methods, pursuant to Article 22 of Ministerial Decree 32/2015)
on the portal
Those who, alternatively, have submitted their offer in the manner referred to in point A (offer with electronic means) or referred to in point B (offer with analogue mode) may participate in the tender.
The electronic purchase offers must be received by the offer presenters no later than 12.00 noon on 30/03/2023 by sending to the PEC address of the Ministry, using only the form pre-compiled available on the ministerial portal The electronic offer is intended to be deposited when the complete receipt of delivery is generated by the certified e-mail manager of the Ministry of Justice.
The auction takes place on the website on 31/03/2023 from 11:00 am and following and lasts for 10 (ten) minutes unless further bids are presented. Below is the link to the auction page:
The deadline for submitting offers "in a sealed envelope" is set for 30/03/2023 no later than 12:00 to be delivered in a sealed envelope (and without any identification mark) by hand at the studio of the Notary Dr. Rosa Menale in Rimini Piazza Luigi Ferrari, 22 / A.
The bidder who deposited the offer in a sealed envelope, on the day set for the sale, is required to arrive in Rimini at via Piazza Ferrari 22 / A, on 31/03/2023 at 11:00 am.
For more information on the subject of sale and how to submit offers, please download:
- Notice of sale
- Annex 1 - Mobile property appraisal
- Annex 2 - Appraisal of registered movable property
- Annex 3 - Company appraisal
- Annex 4 - Work agreements