Bankruptcy no. 1/2019 Court of Caltagirone
Sale of the following assets forming part of the corporate compendium of the aforementioned Bankruptcy:
- real estate consisting of a prefabricated shed used for processing agricultural products, located in the northern area of the town of Mazzarrone, within the homogeneous area D1* - P.R. Consortium ASI (attachment n. 1 - Table n. 5 of the PRG), better distinguished in the urban cadastre on map sheet n. 91, parcel no. 402 sub 1 (attachment no. 2 - Cadastral plan), category D/1, with the cadastral income of € 10,734.00. The property consists of: two buildings: a shed and a shed built on a plot of 4800.00 square meters, in the homogeneous area D1;
- movable assets instrumental to the exercise of the activity, registered movable assets and inventories better described in the appraisal report;
- commercial goodwill.
For further information, interested parties are invited to consult:
- Notice of sale
- Form A)
- Estimate of the Business Complex
- Expertise is estimated
- Balance sheets