Sale of a company dedicated to the trade of fruit and vegetables
Minimum raise: 1000 €
Bid placing deadline: 11/04/202512:00CET
Auction opens: 15/04/202515:00CET
Closing date: 15/04/202517:00CET
Current lot price: Updating price... € 463.367 Proxy Bid: € 0+ 3% BP
- Experiment n°7 -68%
- Bids: 0 see all bids
Commercial Properties - No. of visits: 120303

Lot Description
Attention: please see the list updated to 31/01/25 attached to this lot- real estate consisting of a prefabricated shed used for processing agricultural products, located in the northern area of the town of Mazzarrone, within the homogeneous area D1* - P.R. Consortium ASI (attachment n. 1 - Table n. 5 of the PRG), better distinguished in the urban cadastre on map sheet n. 91, parcel no. 402 sub 1 (attachment no. 2 - Cadastral plan), category D/1, with the cadastral income of € 10,734.00. The property consists of: two buildings: a shed and a shed built on a plot of 4800.00 square meters, in the homogeneous area D1;- movable assets instrumental to the exercise of the activity, registered movable assets and inventories better described in the appraisal report;- commercial goodwill.
Lot documentation
Sale documentation
Lot Details
- Closing date:15-04-2025 17:00:00
- VAT:Read the notice of sale
- Buyers Premium: 3% BP
- Payment: Read the notice of sale
- Inspection date: Upon appointment
- Payment method: Bank Transfer
- Collection:Read the notice of sale
- City: Mazzarrone Watch the map
- Country:IT
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Add to WatchlistAuction 8973Lot 2
Restaurant Toasteria Business Complex
Bankruptcy no 52 2024 Court of Asti Restaurant business complex Toasteria with the purpose of serving food and beverages in operation until January 2024 carried out within the real estate unit C33 D in the Il Nuovo Borgo shopping center located in Asti Corso Casale 319 The object of the sale is the lease contract for the branch of the business including the commercial authorization that must be transferred to the successful tenderer as well as the instrumental goods Auction starting price 11 700 00 Minimum bid accepted 8 775 00 TELEMATIC SYNCHRONOUS SALES PROCEDURE possibility of receiving electronic offers pursuant to art 21 Ministerial Decree 32 2015 on the portal www venditegiudiziarieitalia it You are expressly invited to contact the Commercial Representative of the property in order to verify in advance that the activity that will be carried out in the lot subject to a possible award is among those approved by the Shopping Centre The electronic purchase offers must be received by the presenters of the offer no later than 12 00 on 03 31 2025 by sending them to the PEC address of the Ministry offertapvp dgsia giustiziacert it using exclusively the pre filled form available on the ministerial portal http venditepubbliche giustizia it On 01 April 2025 at 11 00 the electronic sale will be held on the portal www venditegiudiziarieitalia it and following and will last sixty seconds unless further bids are submitted Below is the link to the auction page Auction 8973 For further information interested parties are invited to consult the available documentation
Ongoing businessView lot01/04/202511:00CET -
Add to WatchlistAuction 8973Lot 1
Tobacco Shop Business Complex
Bankruptcy no 52 2024 Court of AstiTobacconist business complex including the lease agreement for the commercial space the remaining goods and the capital goods present and inventoried therein for the purpose of the resale of monopoly goods tobacconist lottery services and similar and the sale of accessory products in operation until December 2024 exercised within the real estate unit C35 in the Il Nuovo Borgo shopping center located in Asti Corso Casale 319 It should be noted that the license for the exercise of the above activities is not included in the object of sale it will be the buyer s responsibility to verify all the current legal requirements in order to obtain the reassignment of the concessions Base auction price 32 000 00Minimum offer accepted 24 000 00TELEMATIC SYNCHRONOUS SALES PROCEDURE possibility of receiving electronic offers pursuant to art 21 Ministerial Decree 32 2015 on the portal www venditegiudiziarieitalia itThe electronic purchase offers must be received by the presenters of the offer no later than 12 00 on 03 31 2025 by sending them to the PEC address of the Ministry offertapvp dgsia giustiziacert it using exclusively the pre filled form available on the ministerial portal http venditepubbliche giustizia it On 01 April 2025 at 11 00 the electronic sale will be held on the portal www venditegiudiziarieitalia it and following and will last sixty seconds unless further bids are submitted Below is
Ongoing businessView lot01/04/202511:00CET -
Add to WatchlistAuction 8958Lot 1
Business complex consisting of several branches of companies used for laundry services
CREMONA COURTJUDICIAL LIQUIDATION 2 2024INVITATION TO SUBMIT IRREVOCABLE PURCHASE OFFERSSingle Lot Auction 8958 Business complex consisting of multiple branches of the company n 7 seven including the authorization titles for the exercise of the activity the commercial spaces used for laundry services retail trade etc located in the municipalities of Taggia Sanremo Bordighera Ventimiglia Imperia Pontedassio held under lease the equipment referred to in the annex to the above contract including the n 3 three existing vehicles whose registration certificates have been attached to the contract as well as the movable assets held by the grantor under a financial leasing contract the signs and brands that distinguish the branches of the company to the public subordinate employment contracts n 10 ten with the exclusion of the accrued TFR debt remaining with the grantor rental contracts for properties where commercial activities are carried out credits towards others arising from security deposits relating to the rental of properties It should be noted that the right of option for purchase is granted at a predetermined price deducting the rent paid up to the act of sale and deducting the purchase costs of the goods that will be replaced in addition to any debts and or contingent liabilities paid by the tenant on behalf of the grantor during the validity of the contract The leased business complex was valued in a range between Euro 206 000 00 two hundred and six thousand 00 and Euro 250 000 00 two hundred and fifty thousand 00 by Dr Patrizio Novembre chartered accountant registered in the Imperia Register with no 328 Statutory Auditor with office in Sanremo via Matteotti no 12 with an appraisal filed on the PCT on November 29 2024 It should be noted that the business complex is the subject of a rental agreement signed on November 29 2023 registered on December 1 2023 with a duration of December 1 2023 November 30 2026 with an annual rent of Euro 18 000 Appraisal value range between Euro 206 000 00 and Euro 250 000 00Value of the offers it will be possible to submit offers of an amount lower than that indicated above in any case the Procedure reserves the right to examine the offer evaluate its appropriateness and the opportunity to proceed with the competitive sale Those interested in submitting offers after having validly registered on the website www industrialdiscount it must send an irrevocable purchase offer by 12 00 on 01 April 2025 in the following manner via PEC communication to asset om pec abilio com The documentation sent as an
Ongoing businessView lot01/04/202512:00CET -
Add to WatchlistAuction 8986Lot 4
Transfer of a business dedicated to the installation and maintenance of water purification systems
COURT OF VERONAJudicial Liquidation of Group No 95 2024 R G No 96 2024 R G No 97 2024 R G NOTIFYthat on 04 09 2025 at 11 30 am the following are put up for sale pursuant to articles 213 214 and 216 of the Corporate Crisis and Insolvency Code Legislative Decree 12 1 2019 n 14 hereinafter for brevity CCII the companies owned by the companies subject to the registered Judicial Liquidation of the group as described in the appraisals published in the specific virtual data room referred to below hereinafter for brevity VDR Lot 4 AUCTION 8986 4 single lot composed of the union of the previous lots at the price of 1 090 800 plus taxes and all tender and transfer costs the Base Price with effect pursuant to art 216 co 7 CCII and without prejudice to the provisions of art 217 co 1 CCII of offers even if they are lower by no more than a quarter than the price established in the aforementioned ordinance and therefore equal to at least 818 100 plus taxes and all tender and transfer costs the Minimum Offer with the methods and under the conditions set out in the following RegulationThe award of SINGLE LOT NO 4 AUCTION 8986 4 will be considered prevalent with respect to the awards of the individual lots which will therefore be considered with reservation In the event of award of SINGLE LOT NO 4 AUCTION 8986 4 any awards made for individual lots will be considered invalid
Ongoing businessView lot09/04/202511:30CET -
Add to WatchlistAuction 8986Lot 3
Transfer of a business dedicated to call center activities and marketing for the sale of goods and services
COURT OF VERONAJudicial Liquidation of Group No 95 2024 R G No 96 2024 R G No 97 2024 R G NOTIFYthat on 04 09 2025 at 11 30 am the following are put up for sale pursuant to articles 213 214 and 216 of the Corporate Crisis and Insolvency Code Legislative Decree 12 1 2019 n 14 hereinafter for brevity CCII the companies owned by the companies subject to the registered Judicial Liquidation of the group as described in the appraisals published in the specific virtual data room referred to below hereinafter for brevity VDR Lot 3 AUCTION 8986 3 company owned by the company in L G n 95 2024 price 10 800 plus taxes and all tender and transfer costs the Base Price with effect pursuant to art 216 co 7 CCII and without prejudice to the provisions of art 217 co 1 CCII of offers even if lower by no more than a quarter compared to the price established in the aforementioned ordinance and therefore equal to at least 8 100 plus taxes and all tender and transfer costs the Minimum Offer with the methods and under the conditions set out in the following RegulationActivity carried out call center and marketing activities for the sale of goods and services Management of the company The company is being run on a lease basis without interruption starting from 1 February 2024 based on two contracts signed prior to the judicial liquidation first contract of 26 1 2024 deeded by notary Guido Cirilli in Brescia Rep no 41837 coll no 20810 consensually terminated within the subsequent contract deeded by notary Valentina Papof dated 28 March 2024 Rep no 8643 coll no 6409 published in the VDR The duration is three years automatically and tacitly extendable for the same period unless terminated with at least six months notice prior to the expiry date withdrawal may be exercised exclusively by the lessee The contractually agreed rent is 10 000 00 ten thousand per year plus VAT with payment of the first year in advance in an annual installment and for subsequent years in monthly installments in arrears The lessee is expected to settle all obligations arising from the contracts stipulated for the operation of the branch of the business for which the rental contract provides for the takeover rental use agency and similar contracts lease contracts and employment contracts It is noted that the business is still managed by the lessee as the conditions for the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Procedure pursuant to art 184 CCII have not been identified Registered office and operating headquarters Villafranca di Verona VR Via Alessandro Volta 31 pursuant to a sub lease agreement for a portion of the property 3 rooms for a total of 145 m2 located in Villafranca di Verona Via Alessandro Volta 31 stipulated with the parent company on 1 1 2021 effective from 1 1 2021 and first expiry on 31 10 2026 registered with the Revenue Agency Verona Office 1 on 16 01 2021 at no 000512 serie 3T
Ongoing businessView lot09/04/202511:30CET -
Add to WatchlistAuction 8986Lot 2
Transfer of a business dedicated to the installation and maintenance of water purification systems
COURT OF VERONAJudicial Liquidation of Group No 95 2024 R G No 96 2024 R G No 97 2024 R G NOTIFYthat on 04 09 2025 at 11 30 am the following are put up for sale pursuant to articles 213 214 and 216 of the Corporate Crisis and Insolvency Code Legislative Decree 12 1 2019 n 14 hereinafter for brevity CCII the companies owned by the companies subject to the registered Judicial Liquidation of the group as described in the appraisals published in the specific virtual data room referred to below hereinafter for brevity VDR Lot 2 AUCTION 8986 2 company owned by the company in L G n 97 2024 price 68 000 plus taxes and all tender and transfer costs the Base Price with effect pursuant to art 216 co 7 CCII and without prejudice to the provisions of art 217 co 1 CCII of offers even if lower by no more than a quarter compared to the price established in the aforementioned ordinance and therefore equal to at least 51 000 plus taxes and all tender and transfer costs the Minimum Offer with the methods and under the conditions set out in the following Regulation Activity carried out installation and maintenance of water purification systems for domestic use hydraulic systems boilers air conditioning heat pumps and electrical systems photovoltaic Management of the company The company is being run on a lease basis without interruption starting from 1 February 2024 based on two contracts signed prior to the judicial liquidation first contract of 26 1 2024 deeded by notary Guido Cirilli in Brescia Rep no 41835 coll no 20808 consensually terminated within the subsequent contract deeded by notary ValentinaPapof of 28 March 2024 Rep no 8645 coll no 6411 published in the VDR The duration is expected to be three years automatically and tacitly extendable for the same period unless terminated with notice of at least six months before the expiry date the withdrawal can be exercised exclusively by the lessee The contractually agreed rent is 10 000 00 ten thousand per year plus VAT with payment of the first year in advance in an annual installment and for subsequent years in monthly installments in arrears The lessee is expected to settle all obligations arising from the contracts stipulated for the operation of the branch of the business for which the rental contract provides for the takeover rental use agency and similar contracts lease contracts and employment contracts It is noted that the business is still managed by the lessee as the conditions for the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Procedure pursuant to art 184 CCII have not been identified Registered office and operating headquarters Villafranca di Verona VR Via Alessandro Volta 31 pursuant to a sub lease agreement for a portion of the property 1 room for a total of 36 m2 located in Villafranca di Verona Via Alessandro Volta 31 stipulated with the parent company on 1 1 2021 effective fro
Ongoing businessView lot09/04/202511:30CET -
Add to WatchlistAuction 8986Lot 1
Transfer of a business dedicated to the installation and maintenance of water purification systems
COURT OF VERONAJudicial Liquidation of Group No 95 2024 R G No 96 2024 R G No 97 2024 R G NOTIFYthat on 04 09 2025 at 11 30 am the following are put up for sale pursuant to articles 213 214 and 216 of the Corporate Crisis and Insolvency Code Legislative Decree 12 1 2019 n 14 hereinafter for brevity CCII the companies owned by the companies subject to the registered Judicial Liquidation of the group as described in the appraisals published in the specific virtual data room referred to below hereinafter for brevity VDR Lot 1 AUCTION 8986 1 company owned by the company in L G n 96 2024 price 1 012 000 plus taxes and all tender and transfer costs the Base Price with effect pursuant to art 216 co 7 CCII and without prejudice to the provisions of art 217 co 1 CCII of offers even if lower by no more than a quarter compared to the price established in the aforementioned ordinance and therefore equal to at least 759 000 plus taxes and all tender and transfer costs the Minimum Offer with the methods and under the conditions set out in the following Regulation Activity carried out i commercial and administrative management sale installation and maintenance of water purification systems for domestic use ii sale installation and maintenance of hydraulic systems boilers air conditioning heat pumps and electrical systems photovoltaic iii sale and assistance of IT products Management of the company The company is being operated under a lease without interruption starting from 1 February 2024 based on two contracts signed prior to the judicial liquidation first contract of 26 1 2024 deeded by notary Guido Cirilli in Brescia on 26 January 2024 Rep no 41836 20809 consensually terminated within the subsequent contract deeded by notary Valentina Papof on 28 March 2024 Rep no 8644 6410 published in the VDR The duration is three years automatically and tacitly extendable for the same period unless terminated with at least six months notice prior to the expiry date withdrawal may be exercised exclusively by the lessee The contractually agreed rent is 100 000 00 one hundred thousand per year plus VAT with payment of the first year in advance in an annual installment and for subsequent years in monthly installments in arrears The lessee is expected to settle all obligations arising from the contracts stipulated for the operation of the branch of business for which the rental agreement provides for the takeover rental use agency and similar agreements lease agreements and employment agreements It is noted that the business is still managed by the lessee as the conditions for the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Procedure pursuant to art 184 CCII have not been identified Registered office and operating headquarters Villafranca di Verona VR Via Alessandro Volta 31 property held on lease with a regular contract starting from 01 11 2020 Some portions of the property are sub let to controlled companies
Ongoing businessView lot09/04/202511:30CET -
Add to WatchlistAuction 8845Lot 1
Transfer of a company dedicated to the extraction and bottling of mineral waters
Bankruptcy n 110 2021 Court of CagliariSale in compliance with art 107 co 1 L F Business transfer having as its corporate purpose the activity of extraction and bottling of mineral waters in the municipality of Guspini The assignment is aimed at putting up for sale the industrial complex for the production bottling and marketing of bacteriologically certified mineral waters composed of A main warehouse including the recently manufactured bottling plant with machinery mainly equipped with CE markings user manuals and declarations of conformity Office Block Metal Box Bathrooms Changing Rooms and no 3 extraction wells Commercial surface area approximately 2 225 m2 The 3 wells are defined as POZZO SATTAI with a depth of 35 m a pumping system of 30 m and a connection pipe to the deposit of approximately 20 m POZZO SA SPENDULA where spring water is extracted at a depth of 36 m with a 32 m pumping system and a connection pipe of approximately 50 m POZZO FONTE LINAS with a depth of approximately 51 m a 38 m pumping system and a 5 m connection pipe The property is currently not habitable and must be re registered due to the presence of some discrepancies The existing mineral water concession has been declared terminated and must be renewed The compendium contains waste plastic packaging disused machinery cables Starting auction price 775 000 00See the attachments in the documentation section Notice of sale Form a Bankruptcy appraisal Acque Sattai appraisal Plant photographs Golden Acque machines
Ongoing businessView lot09/04/202517:00CET -
Add to Watchlist-39%Auction 8192Lot 1
Transfer of a company dedicated to transport for third parties
JUDICIAL LIQUIDATION n 87 2023COURT OF CATANIATransfer of the following assets forming part of the corporate portfolio of the company subjected to judicial liquidation procedure having as its corporate purpose the transport activity on behalf of third parties Movable assets instrumental to carrying out the activity semi trailers swap bodies equipment etc Employment contracts for 12 workers 7 employees responsible for administrative management 2 employees responsible for commercial logistics 2 mechanical engine workers and 1 worker responsible for commercial logistics Starting auction price Euro 839 403 00 Minimum offer accepted Euro 629 552 00 Minimum raise in the race Euro 10 000 00The Procedure will deal with setting up and managing a Virtual Data Room To access it interested parties must send a request via certified email to asset om pec abilio com attaching the documents indicated in the sales notice MIXED SYNCHRONOUS TELEMATIC PROCEDURE possibility of receiving offers with both electronic and analogue methods pursuant to art 22 Ministerial Decree 32 2015 on the portal www venditegiudiziarieitalia itSubjects who alternatively have submitted their offer using the methods referred to in point A telematic offer or point B analogue offer will be able to participate in the tender
Ongoing businessView lot10/04/202511:00CET -
Add to Watchlist-68%Auction 7429Lot 1
Sale of a company dedicated to the trade of fruit and vegetables
Bankruptcy no 1 2019 Court of CaltagironeSale of the following assets forming part of the corporate compendium of the aforementioned Bankruptcy real estate consisting of a prefabricated shed used for processing agricultural products located in the northern area of the town of Mazzarrone within the homogeneous area D1 P R Consortium ASI attachment n 1 Table n 5 of the PRG better distinguished in the urban cadastre on map sheet n 91 parcel no 402 sub 1 attachment no 2 Cadastral plan category D 1 with the cadastral income of 10 734 00 The property consists of two buildings a shed and a shed built on a plot of 4800 00 square meters in the homogeneous area D1 movable assets instrumental to the exercise of the activity registered movable assets and inventories better described in the appraisal report commercial goodwill Attention please see the list updated to 31 01 25 attached to this lotFor further information interested parties are invited to consult Notice of sale
Ongoing businessView lot15/04/202517:00CET -
Add to Watchlist-20%Auction 8728Lot 1
Transfer of business of retail food trade business
Judicial Liquidation n 13 2024 Court of RiminiSale of a commercial business located in the nicipality of Rimini RN Via Michele Rosa n 41 having as its object the retail trade of food products the retail sale of fresh or frozen meat and food in general the retail trade of both fresh and preserved food and food products and of alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages the production marketing and distribution of cooked foods typical products as well as the management of outlets selling said foods etc It is specified that the company is currently leased under a certified private agreement signed on 06 03 2024 The aforementioned contract provides for a lease term of 3 three years starting from 06 03 2024 and ending on 05 03 2027 and will be automatically renewed for a further 3 three years unless notice of termination has been given Starting auction price 62 400 00ASYNCHRONOUS TELEMATIC SALES PROCEDURE possibility of receiving electronic offers pursuant to art 24 Ministerial Decree 32 2015 on the portal www venditegiudiziarieitalia it
Ongoing businessView lot18/04/202513:00CET -
Add to WatchlistAuction 8889Lot 1
Sale of a company dedicated to beverage distribution
COURT OF RIMINIJUDICIAL LIQUIDATION N 23 2024On April 29 2025 from 11 00 to 13 00 the asynchronous telematic sale will be held on the portal www venditegiudiziarieitalia it under the conditions described below of the following credits LOT 1 AUCTION N 8889 TRANSFER OF A COMPANY carrying out the beverage distribution business consisting of trucks furniture small equipment administrative authorizations goodwill customer portfolio contractual relationships no employment contracts The company carries out the activity of trade wholesale and retail in all forms permitted by law including import export of food products and household products commonly treated or marketed in the large and small distribution sector With regard to the food products sector to be understood in the broadest and most complete sense of the term and in relation to the market sectors set out above in addition to preserved frozen deep frozen fresh and similar products the company may also include within this scope of activity provided that it is not incompatible with it the import export of commonly used food products waters and soft drinks of any type and kind starting price 95 000 00Minimum accepted bid 71 250 00ASYNCHRONOUS TELEMATIC SALE PROCEDURE possibility of receiving telematic offers pursuant to art 24 of Ministerial Decree 32 2015 on the portal www venditegiudiziarieitalia itThe telematic purchase offers must be received by the presenters of the offer no later than 12 00 on 28 04 2025 by sending them to the PEC address of the Ministry offertapvp dgsia giustiziacert it using exclusively the pre filled form available on the ministerial portal http venditepubbliche giustizia it The asynchronous auction will take place on the website www venditegiudiziarieitalia it on 04 29 2025 at 11 00 am and will last two hours unless further bids are submit
Ongoing businessView lot29/04/202513:00CET -
Add to WatchlistAuction 8865Lot 1
Food and drink administration activities
Collection of purchase offers to take over Food and Beverage Administration activities in Volpiano TO Industrial Discount offers for sale an uncooked food and drink business active for over 40 years in the heart of the historic center of Volpiano TO The property has been recently renovated offering a welcoming and modern environment Main features Spacious room The room of around 45 m2 is made up of two main rooms bathrooms and a large outdoor space as well as a nice terrace of a further 20 m2 which allows for a total of around 36 seats Strategic location Located in the pedestrian area of Volpiano just 100 meters away there is a large underground car park while the train station is about 300 meters away making the activity easily accessible Proximity to services In the same square there are numerous commercial and financial activities in addition to the nearby municipal building ensuring a constant flow of potential customers Additional Details Advantageous rent The property is rented at a particularly attractive rent and the current contract will be transferred together with the company License and health authorisation The license includes the activity of a bar with administration and the possibility of selling uncooked foodstuffs Furnishings included All furnishings and equipment present are new generation and low energy consumption The plumbing and electrical systems are new and the property is equipped with air conditioning and independent heating Employee contract An employee contract is also included in the sale guaranteeing operational continuity and immediate support This represents an opportunity of great interest ideal for a family management or for those looking for an investment in a business that is already well established and located in a strategic position with high traffic For further information do not hesitate to contact us Download the list of goods inlcuded in the lotDownload the documents PDF from the lot documentation section
Ongoing business -
Add to Watchlist-80%Auction 5050Lot 1
Sale of oil mil Venturi Spa
Bankruptcy no 6 2009 Court of Spoleto Sale in compliance with art 107 co 1 L F Sales of olive and seeds oil mixing polishing and packaging company The lot includes Buildings of approx 8 237 composed of office building oil processing warehouses production buildings and accessory products buildings and accessory collateral items persistent on land of approximately 12 565 m2 Stainless steel tanks n 8 production lines registered trademarks Approximate storage capacity Q li 22 000 c a approximate production capacity q li 2500 per day Status the company is inactive the previous tenant made use of n 11 employees Some systems need to be adapted to current regulations From the documentation section download Avviso di vendita Perizia 05 05 2011 Perizie Registrazione marchio Modulo A
Ongoing businessView lot08/05/202517:00CET -
Add to Watchlist-91%Auction 6040Lot 1
Company branch dedicated to the trade of sporting goods
Bankruptcy no 235 2019 Court of RomaCompany branch operating in Rome RM in Via Antonio Carruccio n 107 and operating the wholesale and retail trade of facilities equipment sports clothing nutrition for sports integration and accessories of all kinds for sport leisure and leisure The following assets are part of the business branch of the aforementioned Bankruptcy Use of the Faress trademark and related digital contents Annex 1 Capital goods presumably of modest value as described in the attachment Annex 2 Inventories as described in the attachment Annex 3 With the exception of the following goods subject to a leasing contract Air conditioners Scribes Led spotlights In case of sale of the asset the tenant company may continue to use the assets covered by the contract until the expiry of the same In any case there are no pre emptive rights that insist on the company complex For more information download Notice of sale Form A Estimate report Attachments Business rental 2019
Ongoing businessView lot16/05/202517:00CET -
Add to Watchlist-68%Auction 8530Lot 1
Sale of business complex dedicated to supermarket activity
COURT OF ENNABANKRUPTCY NO 13 2014 The undersigned Avv Vinicio Chiara Trustee of Bankruptcy no 13 2014 invites you to submit by 12 00 noon on 13 June 2025 purchase offers secured by the following companies in the aforementioned bankruptcy procedure Movable assets instrumental to the exercise of the business Real estate License of a company subject to bankruptcy proceedings having as its corporate purpose the activity of a supermarket It should be noted that the company is marketable although inactive as a supermarket including a license currently suspended by the Authority The same can however be reactivated by and at the expense of the successful tenderer Base price 100 000 00 Euro In order to send an irrevocable purchase offer it is necessary to a register on the website www industrialdiscount it following the instructions indicated therein b send your irrevocable purchase offer no later than 12 00 p m on 13 06 2025 using one of the following alternative methods in a sealed envelope by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt or by hand to be delivered without fail to the headquarters of Abilio s p a in via G Galilei n 6 48018 Faenza RA via certified email to asset om pec abilio com Please note that in the event of sending the offer via certified email the documentation sent as an attachment and contained within the certified email must necessarily be signed with a digital signature For further information interested parties are invited to consult the available attachments
Ongoing businessView lot13/06/202512:00CET -
Add to WatchlistAuction 25514Lot 25514
Sale of renowned restaurant in historic center
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itIn an excellent location in the historic center of Ravenna near 2 public parking lots a renowned restaurant tavern is offered for sale A well known business present for over 20 years famous for its quality culinary offering suitable for any type of public The property that hosts the business is tastefully finished on multiple levels and can comfortably accommodate approximately 120 people The existing lease agreement is transferred together with the licenses The asking price includes all licenses furnishings and equipment on site Warehouse to be calculated separately Solution with great potentialThe sale is available at the following link on the Quimmo portal Sheet 25514
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 25230Lot 1
Cleaning company with important client portfolio
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itProvince of Ravenna well known cleaning company for sale Business present in the area for over 20 years significant client portfolio condominiums and offices consolidated over time considerable turnover with high margins of over 25 The business works with a fleet of equipped vans adequate and trained staff also present in the sales package commercial premises for rent used both as a support point and as an office customer reception The social structure is proposed for the transfer of company shares this determines that the sale includes the entire client portfolio vehicles staff all licenses and related and connected Business of considerable interest for companies in the sector wishing to expand by purchasing a well known and well established company at a territorial level with a considerable client portfolio Confidential information upon signing of a specific NDA The sale is available at the following link on the Quimmo portal Sheet 25230
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 25213Lot 1
Tobacco with high premiums in high traffic areas
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itIn Ravenna in a densely populated neighborhood an important tobacco and monopoly business is offered for sale Business carried out in a commercial office complex next to a supermarket a bar a pharmacy and medical clinics and therefore with incessant passage throughout the day The business is carried out in a very large property approximately 90 square meters recently renovated with potential increase in the services currently offered The monthly rent paid currently is extremely convenient The business is currently managed by the owner and 3 employees it has all possible licenses tobacco lottery enalotto etc there are also slot machines the complementary round is also excellent A proposal of great interest high business profits potentially increaseable also suitable for family management More information in the studio after signing a specific NDA The sale is available at the following link on the Quimmo portal Scheda 25213
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 25153Lot 1
Restaurant for rent with option to buy
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itIn Ravenna in the heart of the historic center a renowned restaurant is offered for rent to buy Well established business good potential very recent furnishings and equipment particularly refined seafood and meat cuisine good earnings that can still be improved culinary proposal suitable for both a permanent and passing public The business is carried out in a beautiful premises for rent of about 150 square meters with 2 large rooms in addition to services and an equipped kitchen for about 60 seats in total In summer there are also tables outside the premises The sale includes the existing licenses furnishings and equipment present on site Ideal solution for a family business wishing to invest in an already present and known goodwill without any maintenance work to be carried out inside the premises The rental proposal includes the mandatory redemption clause under agreed conditions In this sense potential buyers are required to be able to obtain primary bank insurance guaranteesThe sale is available at the following link on the Quimmo portal Scheda 25153
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 25051Lot 1
Bar near the center with outdoor terrace
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itBar near the center with outdoor terraceSale of an interesting bar business a short distance from the city center and the train station Historic business present with the same management for over 25 years a point of reference for the entire town Very large premises where the business is carried out approximately 120 square meters with 3 main rooms services and large outdoor space The property is rented at a particularly interesting rent and the current contract will be sold together with the business
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 24377Lot 2
Sale of agritourism business in Anguillara Sabazia
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itBankruptcy 58641 1996 Court of RomaSale of agritourism business located in Anguillara Sabazia RM in Via della Marmotta Via Lago di Martignano The property includes land and buildings For the sale and further information please visit the following link Auction 24378
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 24377Lot 1
Sale of agritourism business in Rome
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itBankruptcy 58641 1996 Court of RomaSale of agritourism business located in Rome RM in Via Lago di Martignano within the suggestive Regional Natural Park Bracciano Martignano Lake Complex For the sale and further information please visit the following link Auction 24377
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 23545Lot 23545
Stationery and office supplies activities
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itRenowned and established stationery and office supplies business for sale with twenty years of goodwill Excellent turnover of around 500 000 per year large clientele both individuals and businesses significant profits average ebitda of 15 which can be increased numerous services available including the website for e commerce with dropshipping The activity is carried out inside a building of over 200 m2 in a strategic position on one of the main squares of the town 200 meters from the schools with ample free public parking Well stocked place with multiple items on sale both for school and for work The sale is available at the following link Ad Code 23545
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 23515Lot 23515
Historic bar tobacconist food shop
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itHistoric bar tobacconist food shop on the hillHistorical bar tobacconist food business in Quadalto near Palazzuolo Sul Senio This well established business boasts an average annual income of 200 000 of which 23 000 in bonuses alone with profits of 25 The covered space is approximately 150 m2 in total plus 60 m2 of porch garden and external appurtenance of 120 m2 with the possibility of adding tables and 50 m2 of private parking The sale is available at the following link Ad code 23515
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 24145Lot 24145
Tobacco business with walls in property
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itTobacco activities in Felizzano AL Sale of commercial premises with tobacconist business The sale includes the tobacconist business with bookshop state games monopoly items stationery perfumery items for smokers children s games The price includes the walls therefore no rent The business is located in Felizzano AL in via Paolo Ercole in an area with heavy pedestrian and vehicular traffic a location surrounded by bars and shops of all kinds the shop is made up of four rooms two of which are used for sales one as a back room and one as a warehouse as well as a bathroom and cellar Two windows on the street and two entrances with self service tobacco machines The business is managed directly by the owner with his wife a company rooted for many years in the area with loyal customers and many customers given the very central location The transfer of assets includes the goods present at the time of sale which will be inventoried together with the property before the notarial deed and paid for by bank transfer immediately upon delivery of the keys The sale is available at the following link Ad code 24145
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 24026Lot 24026
Tobacco bar activities
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itTobacco bar activities in Ravenna RA In Castiglione di Ravenna in an area of heavy vehicular traffic with ample free parking facing the street a Tobacconist s Bar business is offered for sale Very well known business established for decades large internal rooms ideal for both regular and passing customers Among the monopoly items in addition to tobacco there is a slot room lottery enalotto and scratch cards The business in question has other licenses in addition to those of bars without supply and state monopolies including those of food newsagent and sale of gas cylinders for domestic use Furnishings and equipment in perfect condition like new worth around 35 thousand euros per year excellent general margins Large room approximately 150 m2 complete with service pantry area changing rooms bathrooms for employee use and a room of over 20 m2 used for slot machines The premises owned by the owner of the goodwill are offered for rent with a rent to be agreed upon during the negotiation of the acquisition of the goodwill The sale is available at the following link Ad code 24026
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 25487Lot 25487
Two level bar with outdoor seating
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itThe business is located in Asti in the ancient Piazza Statuto and is located in the historic center The truncated Guttuari tower dating back to the 13th century and testimony to the power of the homonymous Ghibelline family of merchants and bankers from Asti in which the business is located is still visible The structure on two floors consists of an entrance hall on the ground floor and a dining room at the tables on the first floor as well as a large outdoor area in front sheltered by a wisteria that acts as a natural summer cover The business is a meeting point for regular customers and passing customers especially foreigners In the square in addition to the business we offer there are numerous entertainment venues such as pizzerias restaurants and ice cream parlors which contribute to livening up the city s nightlife The loyal clientele and consolidated turnover guarantee a solid base on which to build and further develop the business considering the current opening hours The sale is available at the following link on the Quimmo portal Scheda 25487
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 24690Lot 1
Bar cafe in great location
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itWe are offering for sale an important bar cafeteria business located in a strategic position in a densely populated neighborhood on the main road The business has been operating without interruption since 1995 and represents a consolidated point of reference for the residents of the neighborhood high turnover over 800 euros of average daily takings excellent consolidated profits about 20 gross per year continuous opening hours from 5 to 22 every day The building that houses the business of over 150 square meters is not owned but is rented with a contract valid until 2034 and a monthly rent of 1 550 There is an additional closed space on the sidewalk with an external terrace of 40 square meters The company currently employs 4 full time employees thus ensuring continuity and operational stability The premises recently renovated are in excellent condition and with systems compliant with the law therefore no maintenance work is required The sale includes all existing licenses furnishings and equipment owned by the property Inventory to be counted separately Solution of great interest for operators in the sector who wish to invest in a business with a consolidated turnover of over 30 years of uninterrupted activity but also for entrepreneurs who wish to start their own business in this sector starting from an important and secure starting base
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 24374Lot 1
Tobacconist on the main road adjacent to the centre
ADVERTISEMENTFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itQuimmo offers in the province of Ravenna in a town of about 15 thousand inhabitants an established and well known tobacco business The business managed by the current owner since 2011 offers numerous services including tobacco lotto enalotto scratch cards top ups stamp duty money transfer The turnover of complementary products is also excellent Since 2023 the business has been equipped with a vending machine used for the sale of monopoly goods and telephone top ups thus guaranteeing 24 hour service every day of the year The tobacconist is also an Iqos partner and among the complementary services offered there is also the UnipolMove service The property in which the business is carried out is located in a recently renovated complex with other commercial activities next to it including a bar pastry shop and supermarket it is approximately 30 square meters in addition to an outdoor veranda space it is rented and the contract will be transferred together with the transfer of the company the property is adjacent to the historic center on a high traffic avenue therefore with excellent visibility there are parking spaces in front of the shop The wide range of services offered combined with the low management costs makes this business very interesting Ideal business for a family run business at least 2 3 operators are required the annual gross margin also guarantees the possible hiring of employees if necessary Support from the owner is guaranteed The asking price includes existing licenses furnishings and machinery on site Warehouse to be calculated separately The sale is available at the following link Listing code 24374
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 23924Lot 23924
Sale of a tobacco business
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itSales of a tobacco business in Asti AT Asti Corso Savona we propose the sale of a tobacco shop The business offers a wide range of services that make it a point of reference for the neighborhood community which include the sale of tobacco products the most common smoking accessories all Sisal and Lottomatica services The tobacconist is equipped with a latest generation external vending machine for the sale of cigarettes and accessories during closing times and days The business offered for sale is carried out within a commercial space with a large window facing the street and is spread over a single floor consisting of an area reserved for sales a rear shop and a small kitchen with service Regular rental contract with monthly rent in line with the current market expiring in 2028 the prices and fees for the activity can be demonstrated at the real estate agency The tobacco shop is strategically located and attracts both loyal and non loyal customers with a stable customer base and the ability to further expand the services offered this tobacco shop has significant growth potential The sale is available at the following link Ad code 23924
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 23923Lot 23923
Artisan pastry business
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itArtisan pastry business for sale in Asti AT We offer for sale a renowned company specialized in the creation and distribution of artisanal sweets The business offers a wide range of pastries both fresh and dry including panettone colombe and a selection of traditional desserts from the province of Asti The sale includes an assortment of cutting edge equipment with particular attention to three devices specialized in chocolate makingThe activity is carried out inside a building with a surface area of approximately 260 m2 and a corner building with four windows The area in which the activity is located although not central has easy parking and this helps to encourage traffic access for the numerous customers also coming from outside the cityThe transfer includes the takeover of the rental contracts expiring in 2028 and 2029The business boasts a loyal clientele and produces and sells its products in large and suitable premises The sale is available at the following link Ad code 23923
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 24769Lot 1
Bike repair business
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itBike repair business for sale in Faenza RA Quimmo is pleased to offer for sale a historic start up of a bicycle workshop in Faenza in continuous operation for over 100 years The business in question established and well known boasts a consolidated know how focused exclusively on the repair of bicycles of all types with a fast and quality service that has guaranteed total customer loyalty over the years a goal confirmed by the reviews on 5 star portals The business is carried out in a room owned by the owner of the company of about 35 square meters with anteroom and bathroom completely set up for carrying out the business the owner in the event of maintaining the current location is available to rent it at a particularly interesting rate The asking price includes the start up existing licenses and existing equipment Upon request assistance to the new owner is guaranteed More information in the office The sale is available at the following link ad code 24769
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 24586Lot 24586
Historic and renowned pizzeria business
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itFor sale historic and renowned pizzeria business in Riolo Terme RA Quimmo offers for sale an interesting and important restaurant and pizzeria business A historic business with a business that has been around for over 50 years a point of reference for pizza lovers excellent reviews on portals with regular customers who have become loyal over time thanks to the proposal focused on the quality of the ingredients used The business is carried out in a beautiful well maintained location complete with kitchen wood fired oven large rooms and a covered veranda that can accommodate over 80 people In the summer the owners have rented an outdoor garden a few meters from the restaurant for a few years providing customers with an interesting option for eating outdoors on site much appreciated during particularly hot evenings The restaurant is located in a quiet area near the historic center with plenty of public parking nearby The business currently works 6 days a week only in the evening with an average daily income of around 1 000 which makes the purchase of this business safe and constant over time with a gross operating margin of around 20 Whoever buys the goodwill will be able to take over the current advantageous lease agreement in progress which affects the annual turnover by no more than 4 The sale includes the licenses and all the furnishings and equipment present on site and the transfer of all existing employment contracts is also foreseen Guaranteed support A soluti
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 23928Lot 23928
Tobacco bar activities
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itBusiness with Bar Tobacconist for sale in Lugo RA Business located in an excellent position on an important street in the centre strong pedestrian and vehicular traffic presence of numerous car parks in the area close to the square and numerous public offices guaranteed visibility Recently renovated furnishings there is an external terrace and 24 hour vending machine excellent turnover annual fee of around 75 thousand euros complete with tobacconist slot room lottery superenalotto scratch cards post office point postepay bills top ups and all payment services The place is also equipped with video surveillance alarm system cash management automatic cash register Rental fee to be agreed following expression of interest possible possibility of purchasing the walls with negotiations to be conducted separately and not included in the sale Profitable business large margins for growth minimum 2 operators required also interesting for a family business The sale is available at the following link Ad code 23928
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 23746Lot 23746
Bakery and pastry shop activities
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itBakery and pastry shop business for sale in Ravenna RA Business with excellent commercial start up present with the current management since 2010 retail sales license for bakery products pastries pizza by the slice and other food products Well arranged room where the business is carried out on the ground floor approximately 75 m2 with a space used for sales and rear for production competitive rent 1 200 euros per month alongside numerous other small businesses including bars hairdressers etc and therefore with continuous passage of people Good turnover furnishings and equipment on site in excellent condition Price including licenses furnishings equipment and any residual stock Guaranteed support Interesting solution for 1 2 operators family management recommended The sale is available at the following link Ad code 23746
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 23638Lot 23638
Mechanical workshop and tire shop business
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itStarted mechanical workshop and tire shop business for sale in Russi RA Goodwill present since 2015 mechatronic car repair license Ateco code 45 20 1 and tire dealer operating profits consolidated over time large customer package both private individuals and businesses The activity is carried out in a large warehouse with mezzanine and office garage for a total of approximately 500 m2 plus a large square in the front All the necessary equipment to carry out the work is present The business is sold together with the current rental contract of the warehouse in which the business takes place with a monthly rent of 1 500 euros VAT The business employs 2 people one with a full time contract and one with a part time contract both permanent The transfer includes the commercial goodwill and all the goods and equipment reported in the asset book Furthermore the seller is available upon request to evaluate and customize the list of assets included in the sale The sale is available at the following link Ad code 23638
Ongoing business -
Add to WatchlistAuction 23449Lot 23449
Healthcare activities and orthopedic laboratory
ADVERTISINGFOR SALE ON QUIMMOwww quimmo itHealthcare business and orthopedic laboratory for sale in Faenza RA Historic business located near the hospital dedicated to the sale and rental of healthcare items perfumery orthopedic products crutches walkers side rails etc with ateco code 47 74 Activity carried out in a shop of 77 m2 in total partly used for sales and partly used as a warehouse with 3 display windows The property is not included in the business transfer but the selling party is available to stipulate a property rental contract The business has excellent collections consolidated and demonstrable profits positive balance sheets and a high level of loyal customers over time A solution of great interest for companies in the sector wishing to open a sales point in Faenza that has already been established and consolidated over timeThe sale is available at the following link Ad code 23449
Ongoing business