5/10/2022 ATTENTION
The Legal Receiver of the Alimentitaliani s.r.l. and the Legal Receiver of the Novelli Group Bankruptcy s.r.l. communicate the revocation of auction 7299, set for 25 October 2022 at 10.00 on the portal www.venditegiudiziarieitalia.it.
Bankruptcy no. 29/2017 of the Court of Castrovillari
Bankruptcy no. 15/2017 of the Court of Terni
Right of full ownership of 1/1 Egg business unit for carrying out the entire production cycle consisting in the production, collection, selection and marketing of fresh eggs and in the transformation of eggs into egg products and relative marketing.
The Business Branch being sold and its economic value is made up of assets and legal relationships (except for the shares of agricultural companies) which are listed below:
a) industrial complex identified as Mangimificio located in Amelia (TR), Località Fornole, used for the production of feed for chicken breeding;
b) establishment that carries out the collection, selection and marketing of fresh eggs and egg products identified as a pasteurizer located in Spoleto (TR).
It should be noted that the goods indicated in the notice are subject to constraints and legal obligations which will remain the responsibility of any purchaser.
It should be noted that the size of the company complex put up for sale, except for the shares of agricultural companies, will in any case result from the definitive Appraisal of Prof. Alfonso Di Carlo and from the technical expertise of Arch. Rossella Vattimo.
Base price: € 7,320,000.00
Minimum offer: € 5,490,000.00
Minimum raise: € 100,000.00
(possibility of receiving telematic offers, pursuant to art. 24 D.M. 32/2015)
on the portal www.venditegiudiziarieitalia.it.
The electronic purchase offers must be received by the offer presenters no later than 13:00 on 24/10/2022 by sending them to the PEC address of the Ministry, offertapvp.dgsia@giustiziacert.it, using only the pre-filled form available on the ministerial portal http://venditepubbliche.giustizia.it. The telematic offer is intended to be deposited when the complete receipt of delivery is generated by the certified e-mail manager of the Ministry of Justice.
The asynchronous auction takes place on the website www.venditegiudiziarieitalia.it on 25/10/2022 from 10:00 to 12:00 and will last for two hours, except for the submission of further bids.
Below is the link to the portal:
From the documentation section download: