Bankruptcy no. 445/2021 Court of Milano
5% equity interest of the company shares owned by the bankrupt company. These are corporate shares in the share capital of companies with registered office in Rome, Via Catone n. 3.
It should be noted that the Procedure received an offer equal to € 12,000.00 plus legal fees.
The Procedure intends to launch a sales experiment, placing the purchase offer received as the basis of the auction, the procedures for which are regular in the Notice of sale.
Auction base price: € 12,000.00
Raise: € 1,000.00
(possibility of receiving telematic offers, ex article 21 D.M. 32/2015)
on the website
The electronic purchase offers must be received by the presenters of the offer within and no later than 13:00 P.M. on 12th October 2022 by sending it to the PEC address of the Ministry, using only the pre-filled module available within the ministerial portal
The synchronous auction takes place on the website on 13th October 2022 from 10 A.M. and following and has a duration of sixty seconds, unless the presentation of further raises.
Here the link to the auction page:
For more information, please see the attachments
- Notice of sale
- Authorization for the sale of shares