Plant for the production of bituminous conglomerate. Plant not working. No documents regarding the plant were found.
The subject who at the end of the competition will be awarded one or more goods, will be required to send, no later than 48 hours from the close of the auction, to the address
- the present conditions of sale signed on each page and signed in full at the bottom of the bidder or his legal representative (in the case of an offer submitted by a legal entity),
- form, downloadable from the website, certifying the willingness to comply with the goods, ie proceed with the demolition of the goods or certifying the use of the goods as spare parts,
- the substitutive declaration of certification pursuant to Presidential Decree 445/2000 of non-existence of the conditions set forth in art. 10 L. 575/65, cd. self-certification of the anti-mafia declaration, whose similar form is available on the web page for the participation to the auction;
- valid identity document, if a natural person, or Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce adjourned within the three months preceding the date of sending, if legal person, in order to promptly and preliminarily verify the requirements of the aspiring bidder, in his exclusive interest, for the licensing procedure.
By accepting these specific conditions of sale, the bidder who proceeds to the purchase of one of the indicated lots must therefore undertake to act in one of the following ways:
a) the bidder undertakes to proceed with the placing of goods in accordance with the premises of the Procedure, before proceeding with the collection of the same (in this case the winner will have to deliver, before proceeding with the collection material, certificate of securing the Procedure) or a specialized technician whose references are indicated (in this case the contractor may be asked to provide a deposit guaranteeing the commitment assumed, which will be returned following the production of the standardization document);
b) the bidder undertakes to proceed with the demolition of the good, without using it in any way before the scrapping, except as spare parts, which must not however be used for the construction and assembly of new machinery, but used only as a replacement for worn out equipment (in this case, the bidder will be required to send a special form which can be downloaded from the website with which he declares his willingness to proceed with the scrapping);
c) the bidder undertakes to use the purchased goods only and exclusively to obtain spare parts, which must not however be used for the construction and assembly of new machinery, but used exclusively to replace worn equipment (in this case the bidder will be required to send the appropriate form downloadable from the site with which he declares the will to use the goods exclusively as spare parts).