Lot 1
Marcopolo brand
Photo gallery
Minimum raise: 3000 €
Bid placing deadline: 12/05/202512:00CET
Auction opens: 13/05/202511:00CET
Closing date: 14/05/202511:00CET
Current lot price: Updating price... € 20.292+ 4% BP
- Experiment n°10 -95%
- Bids: 0
Brand - No. of visits: 14682

Lot Description
Bankruptcy no. 545/2021 Court of Roma
Abilio S.r.l. on behalf of the Trustee of Bankruptcy n. 545/2021 of the Court of Rome,
“MARCOPOLO” brand which characterized the free television channel on digital terrestrial, currently no longer active, dedicated to travel and tourism in general, as well as the television editorial publication of the same name. The editorial titles "Diari di Viaggio by Marcopolo" and "Diari di Viaggio i Quaderni" are connected to the aforementioned brand, linked to the editorial brand "Diari di Viaggio by Marcopolo".
Below are the registration details of the brands “MARCOPOLO”, “DIARI DI VIAGGIO BY MARCOPOLO” and the registration of the editorial titles “MARCOPOLO”, “DIARI DI VIAGGIO BY MARCOPOLO” and “DIARI DI VIAGGIO I QUADERNI”:
- Registration no. 0001437242, “MARCOPOLO”, class 38, renewal 11/6/2021;
- Registration no. 0001424612, “TRAVEL DIARIES BY MARCOPOLO”, class 16, renewal 12/8/2020;
- Question no. 004043352, “MARCOPOLO”, class 41, exp. 09/23/2024;
- Question no. 004052957, “MARCOPOLO” logo, classes 3, 6, 9, 14, 16, 18, 25 and 28, exp. 09/29/2024.
Registration details of editorial publications:
- MARCOPOLO, Registration No. 356/1998 of 10/07/1998, Court of Rome;
- TRAVEL DIARIES BY MARCOPOLO, Registration No. 393/2009 of 11/19/2009, Court of Rome;
- TRAVEL DIARIES I NOTEBOOKS, Registration No. 349/2012 of 20/12/2012, Court of Rome.
Domain name marcopolo.tv registered at enom.com.
Starting auction price: € 20,292.00
(possibility of receiving offers exclusively electronically, pursuant to article 24 of Ministerial Decree 32/2015).
The electronic purchase offers must be received by the presenters of the offer no later than 12:00 on 12/05/2025 by sending it to the PEC address of the Ministry offertapvp.dgsia@giustiziacert.it, using exclusively the form pre-compiled form available on the ministerial portal http://venditepubbliche.giustizia.it.
The auction takes place on the website www.venditegiudiziarieitalia.it on 13/05/2025 from 11:00 and following and lasts 24 hours unless further bids are submitted.
Here are the links to the portal:
Lot documentation
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Sale documentation
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Lot Details
- Closing date:14-05-2025 11:00:00
- VAT:Read the notice of sale
- Buyers Premium: 4% BP
- Payment: Read the sales notice
- Inspection date: Upon appointment
- Payment method: Bank Transfer
- Collection:Read the sales notice
- Country:IT
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