Judicial Liquidation 136/20124 Court of Milan
Transfer of self-produced "LOAXCHAIN" platform software which has the function of automating information management processes in the world of loan sales between institutional entities.
Starting auction price: Euro 100,000.00
Minimum offer: Euro 100,000.00
Minimum raise: Euro 5,000.00
(possibility of receiving offers with both electronic and analogue methods, pursuant to art. 22 Ministerial Decree 32/2015)
on the portal www.venditegiudiziarieitalia.it
Subjects who, alternatively, have submitted their offer using the methods referred to in point A (telematic offer) or point B (analogue offer) will be able to participate in the tender.
The electronic purchase offers must be received by the presenters of the offer no later than 1.00 pm on 27/03/2025 by sending them to the PEC address of the Ministry offertapvp.dgsia@giustiziacert.it,, using exclusively the form pre-compiled form available on the ministerial portal http://venditepubbliche.giustizia.it. The electronic offer is considered deposited when the complete delivery receipt is generated by the certified email manager of the Ministry of Justice.
The auction takes place on the website www.venditegiudiziarieitalia.it on 28/03/2025 from 11:30 am onwards and lasts 60 (sixty) seconds unless further offers are submitted. Below is the link to the auction page:
The deadline for submitting bids "in a sealed envelope" is set for 27/03/2025 no later than 1.00 pm, to be delivered in a sealed envelope (and without any sign of recognition) by hand to the studio of the Notary Dr. Dario Restuccia located in Milan (MI), via Ulrico Hoepli n.7.
The bidder who has deposited the offer in a sealed envelope, on the day set for the sale, is required to present himself at the office of the Notary Dr. Dario Restuccia in Milan (MI), Via Ulrico Hoepli n. 7, on 28/03/2025 at 11:30.
For further information regarding the object of sale and how to submit offers, please download:
- Notice of sale
- Module A