Transfer of brands used for the distribution of organic products through different sales channels and in relation to subcategories of organic products such as:
- The “Bottega & Natura” brand was registered in Italy under no. 602828 on 08.24.1993 in relation to products in classes 03, 29, 30 and 31 with expiry 08.21.2030.
- The “Grandi Marche Bio” brand was registered in Italy under no. 1425392 on 25.02.2011 in relation to products in classes 03, 05, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 with expiry 29.07.2030.
- The “Kantangian” brand was registered in Italy under number 1425391 on 02.25.2011 in relation to class 03 products with expiry 07.29.2030.
- The brand “La Forneria Biologica” was registered in Italy under no. 944195 on 11.11.2004 in relation to products in class 30 with expiry 28.02.2031.
- The “Spighe & Spighe” brand was registered in Italy at no. 1360664 dated 22.10.2020 in relation to products of classes 30 and 31 with expiry 29.01.2029. In addition to the “Spighe & Spighe” brand, Ki Group is the owner of the “Spighe & Spighe – Margheritine” brand.
- The “Soyalab” brand was registered: a) in Italy at no. 1601370 dated 06.26.2014 in relation to products of classes 29, 30, 31 and 32 (expired 11.11.2023); b) in the United Kingdom at no. UK 00912860367 dated 09.30.2014 in relation to products of classes 29, 30, 31 and 32 with expiry 05.08.2024; c) in the European Union at no. 12860367 dated 09.30.2014 in relation to products of classes 29, 30, 31 and 32 with expiry 05.08.2024
-The “Ki” brand was registered at community level on 14.01.2004 and renewed on 1.12.2020 for the following product classes: 5; 29; 30; 31; 32 and 33 expiring on 01.15.2031
- Starting auction price: Euro 35,000.00
- Minimum offer accepted: Euro 26,256.00
- Minimum raise in the race: Euro 1000.00
We inform you that on 06/20/2024 an addition was made to the sale notice, please read the attachment.
(possibility of receiving electronic offers, pursuant to art. 21 Ministerial Decree 32/2015)
on the portal www.venditegiudiziarieitalia.it
The synchronous auction takes place on the website www.venditegiudiziarieitalia.it on 16/07/2024 from 11.00 am onwards and lasts sixty seconds, unless further bids are submitted.
Below is the link to the auction page:
Interested parties are invited to consult the available attachments