Lot consisting of Fiat trucks, Yamaha motorcycles, office furniture and equipment, construction materials such as pipes, tiles, plasterboard waste and much more.
On the 04/02/2020 the specific condition of sale were modified
about registered vehicles. Please read the specific condition of sale.
Please note: foreign
users (non-resident in Italy) are not allowed to bid for this lot. The
participation could be also invalidated in case of taking part in the second
phase of the auction. If a foreign user attend the auction for this lot,
the Procedure (the seller), considering the trend of the auction, the price of
the lot and its auction price, could invalidate the participation of the
foreign user and revoke the sale. Please read carefully the specific conditions
of sale.
Download the PDF "Lotto n.1" from the documentation section to see the complete list of the goods included in this lot.
Goods sold in bulk. Some quantities may not match. We recommend an inspection on site.
Download the documents PDF from the lot documentation section