Read carefully the specific conditions of sale and collection
- The buyer, acknowledging that the equipment of this lot is located in the context of a construction site, currently suspended, owned by the Municipality of Lucca, declares to assume (by way of example but not limited to) all charges and / or handling costs and / or palletising, transport of the equipment in question, and declaring to indemnify and hold harmless the procedure from any liability and / or request for damages, indemnities, reimbursements, etc.
- Access to the area will be allowed only upon presentation of the necessary documentation (POS, DUVRI, and any other document required by the safety regulations in the workplace) and after obtaining the approval by the manager in charge of municipal administration, in compliance with current legislation.
- All charges are borne by the purchaser, none excluded for the loading, transport and disposal in an authorized landfill of the materials resulting from their work in compliance with current legislation.
- It should be noted that during collection, the successful tenderer will be responsible for grouting all the anchoring holes of the scaffolding (with suitable material) and removal - waste transport and / or reuse of waste materials such as wood, protective nets and sheets para-dust