01.03.2022 We inform you that the auction has been provisionally awarded for € 137,500 in addition to the fees of neprix srl and the charges provided for in the tender. For any further information please contact Mr. Gianluca Giardini (334 6787780 gianluca.giardini@neprix.com).
Sale of Cantina Cerquetta - Beni in Monteporzio Catone (Rome)
The unit in Monteporzio Catone includes several storage units for the various processed products, plants and machinery for vinification and processing of bulk wines and industrial and furniture equipment.
For the complete list of the properties of this unit, download from the documentation section the pdf of the Beni Monteporzio Catone List.
An on-site inspection is recommended.
The business complex includes also:
- Mobile assets in the unit of Monte Compatri (Rome)
- Brand names
- Start-up
Business Complex (Single Lot):
Euro 137,500
PLEASE NOTE: lot no. 1 and lot no. 2 will NOT be sold separately. Only offers for the block will be admitted for a price equal at least to the aforementioned auction base.
Collection supervision costs to be paid by the successful bidder equal to € 9,000
For all information about the goods being sold and how to present the offer, download from the documentation section:
- Notice and sales regulation
- Estimate appraisal
- List of instrumental movable assets and trademarks
- List of Monteporzio Catone assets