Lot 1


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  • Bid placing deadline: 29/05/2024
  • Auction opens: 31/05/2024
  • Closing date: reopening
  • Experiment n°6 -100%
    • Category: Brand
    • No. of visits: 3859

Lot Description

Bankruptcy 136/2014 Court of Palermo

Sale in compliance with art 107 co.1 L.F.

Transfer of: "CAFFE' MONTI" figurative trademark, registered on 08/11/2011 under number 0001468078. Filing date 16/05/2011 and renewal date 29/04/2021, in relation to products and services included in the following product categories : coffee

The trademark consists of the writing MONTI in small black capitals above the writing CAFFE', smaller but still in small capitals, in red. The main feature is the particular M in the shape of a coffee cup positioned above the writing MONTI. The upper part of the M including the handle of the cup is red, while the lower part is black. The two colors are separated by a curvilinear white stripe that seems to surround the whole M as it is separated from the background by a box made up of a very thin black line.

It should be noted that with order dated 27.05.2022 the Court of Palermo Civil Section V Specialized in business matters reaffirmed the already arranged inhibition of any use of the words Monti coffee by third parties, ordering the removal of the said words from all the distinctive signs used by other companies, the withdrawal of all the advertising material that contains them, their obscuring on the packaging of the products that carry them and the cessation of any advertising and sponsorship activity involving the use of such words.

From the documentation section, download the following documents:
- Tender specifications and notice of sale
- Form A)
-Brand estimate report

Sale documentation

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Lot Details

  • Closing date:31-05-2024 17:00:00
  • VAT:22%
  • Buyers Premium: 10% BP
  • Payment: Read the notice of sale
  • Inspection date: Upon appointment
  • Payment method: Bank Transfer
  • Collection:Read the notice of sale


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