Lot consisting of: mixed Luserna stones: cords, loose, curbs, small squares, etc., new red Portuguese tiles for approximately 250 square meters equal to approximately 3,300, approximately 500 old used and new tiles, approximately 100 square meters of 10 cm insulation in polystyrene type material, 30 scaffolding boards, Bunderkine demolition hammer mod. Z1GZT265, Hitachi M55SB demolition hammer from 2008, Dipper C 99 Honda asphalt cutter from 2008, N ° 1 "concrete" concrete mixer from 2008, N ° 1 toolbox without tools but containing electrical material, various hydraulic material and shelves.
Goods are located in San Sebastiano del Po (TO), San Raffaele Cimena (TO), Settimo Torinese (TO), Leinì (TO)
Lot sold as
is. Some quantities may not match. We recommend an inspection on site.
The sites where the goods were stored have been subject to repeated vandalism and theft.
The area in which the stones, the tiles and the planks are stored (San Sebastiano da Po) is currently completely covered by vegetation and the preventive cleaning must be borne by the successful tenderer.