Court of Viterbo
Preventive composition no. 9/2014
The undersigned Dr. Alessandra Basile, with office in Viterbo (VT) via Osoppo no. 50, as Judicial Liquidator of the above procedure, invites you to submit by 13:00 on 14 March 2025, purchase offers secured by the movable assets owned by the aforementioned procedure and indicated below:
Lot composed of artifacts from an important company specialized in the construction of prefabricated buildings.
The sale includes pillars, beams, tiles, panels and other elements necessary for the construction of buildings intended for logistics warehouses.
It was not possible to verify the quantity of these artifacts and the procedure does not have the certifications required for the CE Certificate of Conformity.
For this reason, an on-site inspection is strongly recommended.
The sale will be considered "seen and liked in the state in which they are found" without any guarantee on their functionality.
Attached you can view the Appraisal estimated on 12/30/2014
Free offer to be assumed as the starting price of the auction
To submit an irrevocable purchase offer, you must:
register on the website following the instructions indicated therein;
send your irrevocable purchase offer no later than 13:00 on 14/03/2025 to Abilio S.p.A. via certified email to . Please note that the documentation sent as an attachment and contained within the certified email message must necessarily be signed with a digital signature.
For further information, please consult:
- Invitation to offer
- Form A)