BMW 640d Coupè 3.0D car
Registered number
First registration 05/31/2013
Last regular inspection 11/26/2019 KM 108741
Low battery
-The person who wins one or more goods at the end of the auction will be required to send, within and no later than 48 hours from the end of the auction, to the address Consult the conditions of sale and collection -Property owned by a private individual and therefore the transaction is not carried out in the course of a business. Transaction excluded from the scope of VAT, as it does not fall within the provisions of art. 1 of Presidential Decree 633/72. Transfer with a €2.00 stamp. The exclusion from the VAT scope applies only to subjects resident in Italy.
Equipped with vehicle registration certificate and keys, but unprovided of ownership certificate.
From the documentation section download the vehicle documents.