Bankruptcy no. 20/2020 Court of Cuneo
Dr. Francesco Cappello, with office in Alba (CN), Via Vida n. 6, Trustee of the Bankruptcy indicated in the epigraph, intends to proceed with the transfer of the patent n. 1020018000006087 (issued on 07.07.2020 by the Italian Patent and Trademark Office and acquired in bankruptcy assets) entitled "Fire-fighting system with automatic addressing monitors and implementation method" and concerning a fire-fighting system with automatically addressing electric monitors and a related method for the control, suppression or extinguishing of important fire loads (up to 100MW) which can occur inside road or railway tunnels, in warehouses, in activities with a high fire risk such as ports and airports.
For this reason, the undersigned
to send an expression of interest and/or purchase offer with guarantee no later than 1.00 pm on 08/03/2023.
In order to participate, it is necessary to send your expression of interest and/or irrevocable purchase offer by the date and time indicated above, via PEC communication to the address
If the offer for the Single Lot - Auction 7542 is deemed appropriate and worthy of attention, a competitive procedure will be launched, with date and methods to be determined, and the offer received will be assumed as the basic auction price, through Abilio S.p.A. and the costs of which will be entirely borne by the contractor.
In the presence of several bids, the best one, if deemed appropriate, will be used as the starting point for the subsequent competitive sale, again through Abilio S.p.A. and the costs of which will be entirely borne by the contractor.
For more information, interested parties are invited to download
- Invitation to offer
- Patent sheet