Court of Lucca
Dr. Alessio Carraro, with office in Lucca (LU), Viale Castruccio Castracani No. 395, Liquidator of the Procedure indicated in the epigraph
that on January 23, 2025 from 11:00 to 13:00 the asynchronous electronic sale will be held on the portal, under the conditions described below, of the following asset:
Single lot consisting of a credit with a total value of € 166,914.84. The credit is divided as follows:
1. Euro 83,457.42 with artisan privilege pursuant to art. 2751 bis, No. 5, of the Civil Code;
2. Euro 83,457.42 unsecured.
Auction starting price: €41,730.00
Minimum bid increase in the auction: €1,000.00
The descriptions above are provided for information purposes only; any interested parties may personally verify the documentation relating to the lot for sale and ask Abilio S.p.A. to be able to view what is useful for the purposes of formulating the offer under their own responsibility, accessing the documents in possession of Abilio S.p.A. and collecting the necessary information, so that the offers presented have their evaluation basis in such checks, with exemption of the Liquidator and Abilio S.p.A. from any liability in this regard.
(possibility of receiving offers exclusively electronically, pursuant to art. 24 of Ministerial Decree 32/2015)
The asynchronous auction will take place on the website on 23 January 2025 from 11:00 and following and will last 2 hours, unless further bids are submitted.
Here is the link to the auction page:
The Procedure will prepare and manage a Virtual Data Room for the purpose of uploading confidential documents relating to the goods for sale. The Data Room allows access to additional documentation in addition to that uploaded to the portal to those interested in purchasing. Such access will be permitted only upon signing a non-disclosure agreement, to be sent signed and accompanied by the requested documents to the certified email address of Abilio S.p.a..