Loanxchain brand transfer
Judicial Liquidation 136 20124 Court of MilanTransfer of the LOANXCHAIN trademark registered on 03 29 2019 under number 3020190000022331 in relation to products and services included in the following product classes Class 9 computer programs downloadable Class 42 website design consultancy Starting auction price Euro 1 238 00Minimum bid Euro 1 238 00Minimum raise Euro 60 00MIXED SYNCHRONOUS TELEMATIC PROCEDURE possibility of receiving offers with both electronic and analogue methods pursuant to art 22 Ministerial Decree 32 2015 on the portal www venditegiudiziarieitalia itSubjects who alternatively have submitted their offer using the methods referred to in point A telematic offer or point B analogue offer will be able to participate in the tender A OFFER BY ELECTRONIC METHODThe electronic purchase offers must be received by the presenters of the offer no later than 1 00 pm on 27 03 2025 by sending them to the PEC address of the Ministry