Bakery furniture
PROVISIONAL AWARDLot consisting of N 1 display counter consisting of n 3 straight modules and one curved N 2 wooden display shelves with indications for bread and biscuits N 1 TV brand LG N 1 cash desk N 1 cash registerLot sold as is Some quantities could not correspond We suggest an inspection on site The person who at the end of the tender has won one or more goods will be required to send no later than the term of 48 hours from the end of the auction to the address aftersales industrialdiscount com consult the specific conditions of sale and withdrawSALES NOTES The person who has won one or more goods at the end of the tender will be required to send the documents indicated in the tender specifications to aftersales industrialdiscount com no later than 48 hours after the end of the auction it is specified that movable assets even those registered in public registers with the exception of the cases referred to in paragraph 12 and 12 bis of art 48 of Legislative Decree 159 2011 may be intended for sale with a ban on further transfer for a period of no less than one year or destroyed NOTES FOR COLLECTION maximum time for collection activities to take place from the agreed day 1 day