Artwork Global Vision by David Hammons
INVITATION TO SUBMIT IRREVOCABLE PURCHASE OFFERSFor further information on the characteristics of the work please refer to the website https auctionart industrialdiscount com hammonsAbilio S p a has been entrusted with the sale after collecting binding expressions of interest of the work referred to below and better described on the dedicated sales page GLOBAL VISION by David HammonsGlobal Vision 1995 is a site specific installation of considerable size consisting of a concrete mixer and two stereo cassette players Exhibited for the first time in Pescara in the Fuori Uso 95 Caravanserraglio Arte Contemporanea exhibition curated by Giacinto Di Pietrantonio for which it was created Once the millstone is activated the wheels moving in a circular direction along the horizontal and vertical axis create a global vision of the environment enriched by a careful musical selection with songs by Luciano Pavarotti and James Brown with profound complementary meanings Features TITLE Global vision DATE 1995 TECHNIQUE Installation grinder n 2