Used concrete pumps on Industrial Discount allow you to achieve a great saving without sacrificing quality. The items for sale on our website come from bankruptcy procedures and company liquidations; that is why prices are low, despite the fact that the machines are perfectly functional and in good condition. By attending our online auctions of used concrete pump trucks, you can make a great investment, saving a lot of money! Affordable prices are not the only benefit of our sale system; all of our transactions are secure and transparent, since we have been working actively with the major Italian courts. Online auctions, compared to traditional ones, have many other advantages: you can directly browse the website to find all the relevant information on the machinery of your interest, see descriptions, technical specifications and high-quality photos. If you wish, you can also contact the auction agent and ask him to inspect the item before making your offer. Attending our online auctions is easy: register for free and make your offer directly online. If you need any further information, our customer service is always at your disposal and will follow you through each negotiation phase, from registration to collection of the items. To make your bid, you can enter your price manually, or set the Proxy Bid, our automatic bidding system which raises your bids on your behalf, according to the maximum price you set.
The cheapest used concrete line pumps await you on Industrial Discount: don't miss the best saving opportunities, make your offer now!
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